Monday, September 30, 2019

Don Juan: Lord Byron †Summary and Critical Analysis Essay

Don Juan is a vast creation and it is not always interesting; there are many dull stanzas in which Byron says nothing interesting. But despite some weaknesses in structure, characterization, and philosophy of life, Don Juan is an ‘epic carnival’. It has scope, variety of human experience, common sense, much matter for laughter, clever and witty observation, ease and fluency; that is why Walter Scott said the â€Å"it has the variety of Shakespeare†. Don Juan was intended as a satire on abuses of the ‘present states of society.’ It is a quietly mocking satire on everything, and a serious satire on the hypocrisies of high society, the false glory associated with war, man’s pursuit of fame, the little devices by which people try to deceive themselves, the human penchant for rationalization, It ridicules things in a unique tongue-in cheek manner that strikes, without seeming to, everything on its way. In general, the style, of Don Juan is the easy conversational or epistolary style. See more: how to write a good critical analysis essay Byron has written this poem in the Italian ottava rima, or eight-line stanza, the poetic form favoured by the Italian satirical writers of mock-heroic romances. The rhyme scheme of ‘ottava rima’ is abababcc. But Byron used a lot of a new comic rhyme, forcing slant and unusual rhymes to hint at the incongruity and satires beneath. He has also used the concluding couplet to round off the whole stanza by giving a sudden twist or commentary on the preceding lines themselves. The witticism and the anti-climax, or a swift fall from the lofty-sounding idea to the low, that surprises the reader are also other features in Don Juan. The style of Don Juan is the antithesis of the grand style. It has the easy going laxity of ordinary conversation. In fact, Don Juan has not one style but a â€Å"multiplicity of styles† or tones, the â€Å"medley† style: grave, gay, serious, ludicrous, sentimental, laughing, ironic cynical, urbanely, naughty, wittily outrageous, unexpect edly twisting familiar figures of speech and infusing them with fresh vitality, and accomplishing all these along with the most ingenious poetic devices of rhythm and rhyme imaginable. It stands in debt to the Italian comic-epic poets for its ottava rima verse form, its manner and mood, deliberate lack of coherent construction, length determined by the will of whimsy of the poet, variety of incidents and digressions, and for the startling alternations of mood and pervasive modernity of spirit. The rapid movement from romantic seriousness to burlesque suggests a Chaucerian quality, the same movement between romance and burlesque, chivalry and bawdry, ideal and real. Perhaps the most conspicuous characteristic of the Junoesque style is the conversational and colloquial tone. What the poem most frequently attacks, in love religion, and social relations, are very considerable vices-sham, hypocrisy, complacency, oppression, greed, and lust. Furthermore, the satire constantly though silently assumes as more all positives the qualities of courage, loyalty, generosity and above all, total candor, it merely implies that these virtues are excessively rare, and that the moder n world is not constituted to reward to encourage, or even to recognize them when they make their appearance. The ‘society’ and ‘civilization’ represented by Don Juan’s mother, Julia and their community is the most important object of satire in Canto I. They believe in the ‘morality’ of exhibition; if they appear moral. It doesn’t matter what they do! They suppress in all possible ways the natural impulses of the ‘natural’ child or man. This issue brings us to another crucial thematic concern of Don Juan: Juan’s mother, like a typical ‘civilized’ person tires (though hypocritically and unsuccessfully) to thwart all the natural desires of the child while she tries to teach him all the dead languages, religious sermons that he can’t understand, the art of war to the child (riding, fencing, gunnery and how to climb a fortress – or a nunnery), expurgated classics (which posed problem with filthy loves of the gods and goddesses who roamed in public without proper bodices), and the likes. But one should note that his mother used to read all the filthy stories herself. But a few stanzas later we find that his mother doesn’t care when Juan begins to have immoral relations with her neighbor Julia, because she was angry with Julia’s old husband who had rejected her love in her youth. Where then does a good education go (beyond a hypocritical theory) in this scheme of things in a ‘civilized’ society? Don Juan’s mother is afraid to see him grow up into an adolescent! This tells us how our societies reject the natural processes of life and the realities of natural impulses, and seeming to be better than the nature itself, destroy all potential good in man.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Common Core Standards Essay

Much like the runways of Paris with its changing fashion trends, the world of education follows trends as well. Educators cringe when they hear â€Å"No Child Left Behind† some ten years beyond its advent. Now, the phrases â€Å"Common Core† and â€Å"Student Learning Objectives† have teachers seeing red. However, despite the latest and greatest trends to boost student achievement, the very same students in the United States continue to underperform on a global scale in Mathematics. In 2012, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) bore out results that â€Å"29 nations and jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin,† (Heiten, 2013). In order for our students to rise to a position high on the performance scale of nations, students must master the basics in all subjects, but more specifically in the area of Mathematics. In an effort to develop students with a deeper understanding of mathematical and language and reading concepts, forty-five states (my home state of Maryland being one of them) and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core Standards, a system of expected benchmarks for students in grades K-12. According to the Common Core State Standards Initiative website, the standards â€Å"define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs,† (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2014). The local statistics mirror the national data. Both present conditions which are symptomatic of a larger systemic problem; American students are not mastering mathematical concepts at any level. The learning environment is a fourth grade inclusion classroom in a neighborhood school in the suburban Washington, D.C. (Maryland) area. Students in the class are differently abled. The class has students with Individualized Learning Plans (IEP) to accommodate varying needs from Asperger’s Syndrome to mild intellectual disabilities. There are also students who have been tested and identified as Talented and Gifted (TAG), as well as on grade level learners. Students are taught in whole group, differentiated small groups, and occasional pull out sessions with specialists. Current Conditions There are twenty-one students in the fourth grade inclusion classroom. All students took a standardized unit test in October 2013 that tested the Common Core Standards taught in the first quarter of the 2013-2014 school year. Of these, Standard 4.OA.B – Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1–100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is prime or composite, (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2014), only 20% scored at a level of â€Å"proficient† on standardized (MUST Test Result Data, 2013). The lack of proficiency in this standard is symptomatic of the underlying condition I have encountered; students have not yet mastered basic multiplication facts. Without mastery of basic multiplication facts 0-12, students are unable to manipulate and perform operations on fractions and decimals and subsequent pre-algebra concepts in the latter half of fourth grade and continuing into following grades through high school. Desired Conditions The current conditions for the fourth grade class is at 20% of students who have performed at a â€Å"proficient† level of mastery in basic mathematical facts. This is equivalent to a grade of 80%, or a â€Å"B†, in traditional percentage and letter grading systems used in the US. The desired state of performance is the inverse of the current statistics; 80% should have mastery at a level of proficient or advanced and 20% performing at minimal or below grade level standards. After mastering basic facts, students will be able to not only identify multiples and factors of numbers 1-100, they will also be able to perform operations on fractions and later, algebraic statements. Data Collection Processes Discussion of Data Collection Instruments The designer developed a survey for teachers of grades three through five in order to help determine where problems or areas of deficiency are in current math. The first two questions asked the percentage of their students who are currently proficient in accuracy and automaticity in multiplication facts. In other questions, respondents ranked their responses using a Likert Scale,  which helped to identify their attitude on the necessity of students mastering basic multiplication facts currently in order to develop a deeper understanding of current and future mathematical concepts. In the questionnaire, respondents were asked to rank what they believe to be their students’ biggest challenges in mastering this specific standard. Questions also asked the extent to which computer aided instruction is used in helping aid in mastery of multiplication facts. In getting answers to these questions, I will use the data to identify several factors; impact of teacher’s attitude t oward remediating students in basic facts that should have been mastered in the previous grade, and time dedicated to instruction and practice in this particular standard. Discussion of Sources of Data Six intermediate elementary (grades three through five) classroom teachers who instruct students in mathematics answered the survey and questionnaire. Students of these teachers range from those with special needs, general education needs, and also students identified as â€Å"Talented and Gifted† (TAG). Data Gathered Through Other Sources Quantitative data was gathered from the Prince George’s County Public Schools Mandatory Unit Systems Test (MUST) in Mathematics administered countywide to fourth grade students in 146 elementary schools. Specific data used in this needs analysis was limited to one fourth grade inclusion classroom, Lake Arbor Elementary, where the designer is the teacher. The designer collected further quantitative data from the same inclusion class on timed multiplication tests where twenty-two students answered 100 multiplication facts (0-12) problems in five minutes. Data Analysis Techniques Used The survey and questionnaire were designed to gather data that would substantiate the need for students to master basic multiplication skills in intermediate elementary grades. The survey was used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data based on teachers giving percentage results of students’ current level of performance. Teachers also ranked what they believed would improve their teaching of mathematics in the classroom. The questionnaire was designed to gather data on teachers’  attitudes of the importance of student mastery of basic multiplication facts. The questionnaire also served as a tool to gain input on the challenges the believe limit their students from performing on grade level in mathematics, particularly in mastering basic multiplication facts. Finally, teachers were given the opportunity to answer an open-ended question, which gauged their attitude toward the importance of mastery of basic multiplication facts in the modern world and classroom . Results of Analysis Question one of the survey asked what percentage of your students can answer basic multiplication facts with accuracy on most occasions. Findings of Needs Analysis While a majority of respondents determined mastery of basic multiplication facts as â€Å"essential for success in their current grade,† it is of note that two teachers said mastery of basic facts are â€Å"desirable, but not as important as in past year.† This information would indicate teachers’ attitudes are moving away memorization of facts, possibly due to the  widespread availability of technological applications that students can or will use in the classroom and later in life. The attitude towards the lowering of importance of rote memory skills for facts reflects the larger societal dependence on technology. Applications on smartphones and mobile devices are becoming increasingly used in place of mental math and are utilized both by the current generation of students in elementary school now, but also by the newer generation of teachers who instruct them. To further deepen the understanding of the philosophical shift in importance of memorization of multiplication facts, teachers were asked if they administered timed multiplication tests in their classroom. Furthermore, teachers were asked if they encourage an atmosphere of healthy competition for mastery of the facts amongst their students. While all six respondents reported that they do administer timed multiplication tests, only one teacher stated that there was an atmosphere of â€Å"healthy competition† amongst her students where they challenge one another to higher levels of performance. The information suggests that while teachers are still administering the tests as part of regular instruction, the instructors’ attitude of the importance of them as a way to aid in student mastery of facts is evidenced in the lack of encouragement by both teacher and students to achieve at higher levels. Finally in the questionnaire, teachers were asked to rank factors they believe to be the biggest challenge(s) their students face that prevent them from performing on grade level in their current math instruction. The two most common responses amongst all respondents cited both a lack of support from parents in practice of math facts and a lack of basic understanding and mastery of basic mathematical facts from addition and subtraction up to division and multiplication as the biggest barriers to student success. Goal of Instruction Given practice in automaticity and accuracy, fourth grade students will be able to independently complete 100 multiplication problems of basic facts 0-12 in five minutes time with an increase in automaticity and accuracy of 50% over a ten-week period as measured by a pre-test and post-test assessments. Having this knowledge will enable students to manipulate and perform operations on fractions and mixed numbers, as well as deepen their knowledge of factors and multiples for future instruction.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Massive Multiplayer Games Essay

With the rise and popularity of multiplayer games over the last two decades, the industry has created new games that catered to the taste and preferences of game players in different age groups. Likewise, as these games allow players to cooperate and compete against each other from different boundaries, there is now a rising concern of whether the game creates benefits to players or only serves as addiction to those who engage in such activities. Due to this, it is important to determine the scope and challenges surrounding massive multiplayer games to actively decipher appropriate strategies for further development. Understanding the Concept Looking at it, the term multiplayer games denotes from the ability of one player to actively take part in a video game together with patrons around the world in a simultaneous manner. ). These games allow players to cooperate and compete against each other on a large scale, often with other players around the world. It is a natural evolution to gaming with the widespread use of the internet that has opened up a global community. As far as the overall process is concerned, for players to participate in these games, you must first purchase the game and then pay a monthly fee to play to compete in the game. MMORP games that make the most money are those that keep people subscribed or buying new items for several consecutive months. The explosion in popularity and sales has drawn a much closer look into the attraction of gaming and its effect on game players. Consequently, there is a renewed interest in finding out the relevant effect of this activity particularly among gamers themselves. This has sparked the interest of researchers and everyone wanting to know what the craze is all about. Is it an addiction, or are there real benefits that draw the player in to these games? On one hand, we can see that these people to gain experience and recognition for their work. At the same time, it opens up the foundations of reaching out to individuals in different cultures with the game as a medium. However, that is precisely what draws the gamer in; it separates them from the real world. It is easy to understand the allure of MMOG’s on gamers. They take place in a separate universe, and you can create a character for yourself that is exactly the person you want to be. This game universe has it own rules, culture, and society of people with all kinds of interactions taking place. The possibilities for exploration are unlimited and there are no physical consequences to your actions. What do studies say? Relating this to research and studies, a 2007 Harris Interactive poll of 1,187 youths aged 8-18 gathered detailed data on youth opinions about video game play. About 81% of youths stated that they played video games at least once per month. Furthermore, the average playing time varied by age and sex, from 8 hours per week (responses from teen girls) to 14 hours per week (responses by teen boys). Teens (8-12 year olds) fell in the middle, with boys averaging 13 hours per week of reported game-play, and girls averaging 10. Harris concludes that 8. 5% can be classified as pathological or clinically ‘addicted’ to playing video games. (Harris Interactive) Dr. Douglas Gentile, Director of the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University and the director of research for the National Institute on Media and the Family, states, â€Å"It is important that people realize that playing a lot is not the same thing as pathological play. For something to be an addiction, it has to mean more than you do it a lot. It has to mean that you do it in such a way that it damages your life. This is why we based our definition on how pathological gambling is diagnosed in the DSM-IV. Almost one out of every ten youth gamers shows enough symptoms of damage to their school, family, and psychological functioning to merit serious concern. † (Harris Interactive) Lastly, to Dr. Suzanne Martin, Youth and Education Researcher at Harris Interactive, â€Å"The prevalence of video gaming in youth culture in combination with this level of pathological video gaming is great cause for concern and highlights the need for further research in this arena. † Gamers who were surveyed and classified as pathological were receiving lower grades in schools than their peers, were more likely to have video game systems in their bedrooms (65%), were spending much more time playing games each week (averaging 24. 5 hours per week), and were also more likely to have been diagnosed with an attention deficit problem. (Harris Interactive) Analysis The Harris Interactive report seems to indicate a considerable amount of usage among children and tweens; but does not indicate that it is a cause of the games themselves. A deeper look into other factors associated with gamers needs to be considered. Do these children or tweens spend more time at home because of both parents work schedules? Is there a correlation to the household income and the affordability of the games that makes them more accessible and appealing? Is there a correlation to the popularity of a video/media culture so much more accessible to children now that also plays an influence? There is apparently cause for some concern; but a deeper look in the other factors needs to be considered before a judgment can be Evaluation Evaluating these studies, it can be argued that there are indeed positive and negative consequences that can be deciphered as far as massive multiplayer games are concerned. Looking at it in a constructive manner, this process creates opportunities for players to discover and enhance their creativity within the specific game and platform. Moreover, it extracts the necessary skills needed in either to solve a quest or achieve a common goal. This in turn allows them to expand on their capabilities and create outcomes that will enhance their cognitive capabilities. On the other hand, there are also negative consequences of too much exposure in this area. In here, individuals can get addicted in the process and create a world of their own. Seeing this, players alienate themselves towards reality as they become immersed with the game they are involved in. Such idea can generate negative consequences psychologically, physically, and socially. Seeing this, it is then essential that a form of consensus and control be initiated in the process. This means that parents must actively create methods that will allow their children not only to immerse in such activity but also give them other options to consider. Though we may not be able to take away these things to children, having a specific playing time can encourage them to explore other possibilities available for them. By doing this, players can maximize the benefits of the game they play and limiting the possibilities of addiction that may be incurred during the process.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Evaluating the Research Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Evaluating the Research Process - Essay Example The third hypothesis holds that pregnant teenagers have higher self-esteem than those who are not pregnant. Finally, Robinson & Frank (1994) theorize that higher self-esteem levels are reported among male teenagers that have fathered children as compared to those who have not fathered any children. The literature review section of this research is not biased as it covers both the literature that supports the hypotheses and other literature that is against the hypotheses. For example, Robinson & Frank (1994) are of the opinion that current measures being used to fight teenage pregnancies are not effective. In fact, a study by Hepfer (1998) is cited as having proved that interventions such as sex education are not effective in reducing teenage pregnancy, thus the need for programs focusing on teenage self-esteem. The hypothesis that sexually active teenage males and those who have fathered a child have more self-esteem than non-sexually males and those who have no fathered children is also supported by literature. According to Robinson & Frank (1994) research by Friedman & Castiglia (1990) shows that males tend to assert their masculinity by being sexually active and fathering children. However, a research by Dilorio & Riley (1998) found no relation between low self-esteem, loneliness, and pregnancy. To support this finding further, Robinson & Frank also cite Meyer (1991) who found no relationship between self esteem, fathering of children and sexual activity among teenage males. The study sampled 287 participants drawn from two high schools that were university-affiliated and sixteen teenagers who were pregnant. The records were sourced from the office of the local obstetrician. The research used the qualitative method of data collection whereby a personality test, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, comprising of 25 items was used as the main data gathering device. The test was in form of questionnaires which required the participants to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Contract Law (Introduction to Business Law) Essay

Contract Law (Introduction to Business Law) - Essay Example s to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed, the â€Å"offeree.3† The â€Å"expression4† may take different forms. The intention element is an objective consideration and the case of Smith v Hughes 5emphasised the relevant consideration as being a focus on how a reasonable person would view the situation. Seddon et al further assert that the â€Å"test for existence and the scope for an agreement is that of an objective manner. When a test is objective, it takes account of what the parties actually did say in order to make an offer and agreement6†. Moreover, in the case of Storer v Manchester City Council7 it was asserted by Lord Denning that â€Å"a man cannot get out of a contract by saying: I did not intend to contract† if by his words he has done so†8. Furthermore, in the case of Acme Grain Co. v Wenaus 9it was asserted: â€Å"to constitute a contract, there must be an offer by one person to another and an acceptance of that offer by the person to whom it is made. A mere statement of a person’s intention or a declaration of his willingness to enter into negotiations is not an offer and cannot be accepted so as to form a valid contract10†. Additionally, the law distinguishes between an offer and an invitation to treat, which is not an offer but an indication of willingness to negotiate a contract11. For example, in the case of Gibson v Manchester City Council12, the words â€Å"may be prepared to sell† constituted an invitation to treat and not a distinct offer. Indeed, the Gibson decision challenged the traditional view for formation of contractual agreement. In this case, Lord Denning asserted that when considering whether there is a binding contractual agreement, it could be argued that: â€Å"there is no need to look for strict offer and acceptance. You should look at the correspondence as a whole and at the conduct of the parties and see therefore

Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marriage - Essay Example For instance, after marriage all the property and inheritance of the woman went to her husband and she used to be completely dependent and vulnerable to him. There were reforms that took place in the 1960s, for instance the women started being able to work and participate in the household income. Single mothers were not frowned upon and neither were spinsters. Child support was assured and property was divided equally. It was in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when major social and legal changes occurred, and therefore we will talk about this period in relation to marriage and matrimony laws and rights. Before the 20th century marriage had deep roots in religion, law as well as interdependence between men and women. Although marriage was not a platform where both men and women stood equally, they were dependent on each other. They could not live without each other without having to face problems. For instance, women needed men to get them the basic necessities to survive, while men needed women to bear and rear their children, take care of the household and family. Often a widower could be found looking for a new wife right after his former one died. This interdependence definitely did not mean equality of men and women. In fact, it was the other way round and marriage was based on patriarchal laws where, at the time of their marriage ceremony, women had to vow to always obey their husbands. The property laws stated that a wife’s â€Å"legal identity was obliterated at marriage and she was entirely under the power and control of her husband† (Chambers 3). There was no way that a married woman could have any kind of property or even have control of the salary she might be getting if allowed to work. Therefore, marriage meant â€Å"civil death† for women (Chambers 3), and they were absolutely dependent on their husbands for everything. The cruel part was that the husbands could spend their wives’ inheritance and money on anything at all, which included keeping mistresses and hiring prostitutes. It was in the late 19th century that in some parts of the world, for instance in Canada, laws were passed that allowed women to own their property as well as the personal savings or earnings they got from any work they did. However, considering that most women, especially of middle and lower class, did not have much of property these laws did not really make much difference, and the judges were reluctant to apply them anyway. In fact, it was not just the women’s property and inheritance that the husbands got control over. The men also co ntrolled their wives’ bodies after marriage. They could force them into sex or childbirth against their wishes, and the women had to oblige them. This also meant that in case there was some kind of an offence against a woman it was only her husband that could prosecute, if he wished to. Women were always at the mercy of their husbands. Apart from their money and bodies, women also did not have any right over their children. Their husbands could take their children anywhere at all and the women could not say or do anything about it. Their ownership lay with their fathers who could keep and raise them wherever they wanted, without giving any reason. In fact, they could practically do anything with them; sell them, trade them, make them work and take the money. Such was the case during the late 19th century. The early 20th century saw feminist groups rising up against this practice too like they were protesting against the property, suffrage and other rights. Birth rate started to decline due to maternal instincts. Due to this and the feminist groups’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Politics - Essay Example pecific segment of the poo in the society that need assistance, it is because these class of people never had a chance to do what others did to enrich themselves. William Summer tries to discredit the point that the poor class in the society is really struggling under the emblem of limited resources. According to summer such claims are exaggerated and lie on the precept of poor assumptions made by the humanitarians. He speaks out by stressing the point that hard work is the key to any success. William stresses on this point when he says â€Å" who have not done their duty in this world never can be equal to those who have done their duty more or less well. Classes will always exist; no other social distinctions can endure. The class distinctions simply result from the different degrees of success with which men have availed themselves of the chances which were presented to them† (Mayer, 17). William supports his claims logically by saying that in the society disparity in classes will always exists; the social class will always be in any given society. However, some people in this class just need a little assistance for them to get to a higher class. He supports his claims that â€Å"Instead of endeavoring to redistribute the acquisitions which have been made between the existing classes, our aim should be to increase, multiply, and extend the chances. The greater the chances, the more unequal will be the fortune of these two sets of men. So it ought to be, in all justice and right reason.† This essay is a true illustration of Darwinism that subjects a basis that all men have equal chances of being great, but the truth is that not all of them will attain the same level (Mayer, 45). Francis Fox Piven postulates that power in the society is construed to dominate above the less privileged. The rich oppress the poor either materially or physically depending on the dominance that is directed towards the less privileged. Piven uses the term disruption to connote

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The History of Jamaican Music in the 20th Century and its Influence on Essay

The History of Jamaican Music in the 20th Century and its Influence on 20th Century Music in the West - Essay Example The emergence of sound system dances allowed for the spread of Jamaican music throughout the Western world. Jamaican music evolved through commercialization, starting from a point of trying to appeal through human emotional issues, but eventually taking on the role as a central part of the political evolution of Jamaica during the latter 20th Century. As Bob Marley took on an international presence, he and others who followed brought reggae to the United States where it influenced the evolution of politically volatile rap music. The influences of Jamaican music on the Western world evolved from an island that was undergoing social and political change. Jamaican Music Development History of the Jamaican Sound The history of Jamaica is mixed between the African heritage and the colonialism of Europe. The main language of Jamaica of the island is English, but the traditional history of the region is that evolved from small villages on the island from the roots of an African heritage whi ch was untouched by European influence. From the evidence of the primarily European influences on daily life, it can be concluded that Jamaica is primarily a European influenced culture but has retained the flavor of Africa in its arts. According to Chang and Chen, â€Å"the performance style of authentic folk music in Jamaica is African, no matter what the origins of the music†.1 The proof of this is seen in Rastafarian renditions of European Bible hymns in which complicated percussive expressions and the insertion of syncopations not in the original music are decidedly African influenced. Additionally, the use of relaxed vocal timbre which obtains the sound from the face rather than from the head expresses an African style as opposed to a European influence.2 One of the more prevalent techniques that can be seen in Jamaica that is directly influenced from Africa is the call and answer group vocal technique. Most music in both the African and Jamaican format is conceived voc ally. This is so important that there exists a ‘sing-talk’ format that can be considered the precursor to rap. The call and answer form, which is fairly self-explanatory, is a core of African and Jamaican musical performance. Rural Jamaican music is rife with this format and it has been translated as an influential factor into ska, rocksteady, and reggae.3 The belief is that most of the African influences are from the period of time of colonial slavery, but this may not be the case. The theory that African influence is based solely on this time of slavery can be refuted when taken into consideration with the addition of indentured servants who came outside of slavery during the period between 1841 and 1865. The Rastafarians are defined by Ethiopian origins, by the Bongo Nation are influenced from ancestry in the Congo-Angola region of West Africa. What is now known by Rastafarians as Nyabinghi can be shown to be a direct result of the combination of theses traditions.4 According to Chang and Chen â€Å"Jamaican popular music has always mixed the rhythm of Africa and the melody of Europe†5 During the early 20th century Jamaica was beginning to create a post-colonialism world with a distinct national identity. In the 1930s music that was specific to Jamaica began to emerge as a defining element of the culture. As development workers began to work towards improving conditions of villages and towns, organizing a network in order to gain control over distribution of resources and to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Color Theraphy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Color Theraphy - Essay Example The employment of primary, warm, or cool colors in color therapy has been a fundamental practice in the treatment of certain disorders (Ashby 92). Notably, the use of color in variant settings influences personal perceptions and responses to an environment. This proves that color is actually an influential factor in a person’s take on things. On the same note, individual differences relative to color are evident and have to be accounted for as far as color therapy is concerned. Color has significant influence on emotions, feelings, thoughts, and behavior (Birren 150). This is because color plays an active role in stimulating the brain. Although this stimulation is oriented towards one way or another depending on one’s personality, the common denominator is that each and every individual has his/her color preferences. Subsequently, these preferences inform the manner in which color therapy would work or fail to work for one individual or the other. As a result, approaches to color therapy vary subject to the stimulation attained by any given

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Thanks to My Hardworking Father Essay Example for Free

Thanks to My Hardworking Father Essay Jose Quiles Prof. J. Robinson Eng 100-F80 August 06, 2009 Thanks to My Hardworking Father It is very fortunate for a kid to have his father around. In the last thirty years, having both parents in the household was rare. Most of my friends I grew up with only had their mother around. To all the mothers that were strong enough to raise a boy to be a man, I commend you. However, I was very fortunate to have both parents in my household. I would like to thank my father for showing me what a hardworking man truly is, for teaching me how to be responsible, and teaching me why it’s better to work hard for my money than take the easy route like selling drugs. First of all, I thank my father for showing me what a hardworking man truly is. He always had a job, sometimes two, but they never took any quality time away from spending with me. My father always made me remember that any man can help make a baby, but a real man helps raise the baby. My father was always there to help raise me. I remember when I told him that he was going to be a grandfather, he reminded me that anyone could make a baby, raising one was a different story. When my mother got a raise at her job and had to work more hours, my father took a different job so he could spend more time at home with me. Most men would rather work and have the mother at home to raise the kids. My father was different; he wanted everyone to be happy. My mother was happy working at her job. I was happy to be around my father more, and he was happy that he could raise me to be a responsible man. Next, I thank my father for teaching me how to be a responsible hardworking man. My father always taught me that a man is a person that takes care of his responsibilities. He always showed me that having fun with my friends was pleasant and okay as long as I had taken care of my homework and chores. Once I got to that age where I could clean up behind myself, he made sure I did just that. My father also made sure to teach me that being responsible comes with benefits. For instance, if my chores were done on time without my parents telling me to do them, they always had a surprise for me. It was never anything outrageous but it was definitely a good motivator. My father never tried to spoil me, but there was always a lesson to be learned in everything he did for me. If he gave me something for doing what I was supposed to do, he would tell me that God’s reward for me being responsible is even greater. My father continually stressed to me that when you work hard for the money, there is always a greater reward at the end. Finally, I thank my father for teaching me that a real man works hard for his money. My father always said if a person takes the easy route to get money, that person won’t appreciate anything. I didn’t understand what my father meant by that until I got older. Seeing people sell drugs to get money, I noticed that those people didn’t care how the money was spent. I would see those people buying clothes, which were ridiculously expensive; like five or six hundred dollar shirts. These guys had no clue about how to work hard for their money, so they didn’t care how fast it was spent. Then I saw a hard working man who cherished every dime he worked for. In the end, what my father was trying to teach me was that there are benefits for those that work hard, and none for those that don’t. In conclusion, I thank my father for being there to teach me how to be a hardworking man, the importance of being responsible, and how nothing comes easily. He taught me that when a person works hard for a living, they reap the benefits of that hard work. My father is my super hero; I wish every child could have been as fortunate as I was to have their father around.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Geometrical Optics And Its Applications

Geometrical Optics And Its Applications Optics is the cornerstone of photonics systems and applications. Geometrical optics, or ray optics, is to study the geometry of paths of lights and their imagery through optical systems. Light will be treated as a form of energy which travels in straight lines called rays. When light comes to be regarded as waves, it will be seen that shadows cast by objects are not as sharp as rectili (Ariel Lipson,Stephen G. Lipson,Henry Lipson) (Ariel Lipson,Stephen G. Lipson,Henry Lipson, 2010)near propagation suggests due to diffraction and interference effects of wave. Thus, there is a simple assumption for geometrical optics, which is rays of light propagate along straight lines until they get reflected, refracted, or absorbed at a surface. 2 Fermats Principle 2.1 Background Fermats Principle, also known as the principle of the shortest optical path, was introduced by Pierre de Fermat in the early seventeenth century. This principle is used to state and explain the motion of light ray through different media, which helps to demonstrate laws of reflection and refraction later on. 2.2 Theory The path of a light ray connecting two points is the one for which the time of transit, but not the length, is a minimum. The time, T , for a light ray through space to travel from a point A to another point B can be calculated as: It is known that is velocity, which can also be regarded as for light, where c is the speed of light and n is the refractive index of the medium. Thus, we have Then the path taken by light should be the path that minimizes this integral, which would be: Therefore, it is the fact that light will travel along paths of stationary optical path length, where the optical path length is a local maximum or minimum with respect to any small variation in the path. And many paths will take exactly the same time to travel from point A to point B. (Ariel Lipson,Stephen G. Lipson,Henry Lipson, 2010) 3. Reflection 3.1 Derivation for Law of Reflection In general, law of reflection states that when a light ray incident upon a reflective surface, it will be reflected with an reflective angle that exactly equal to the incident angle with respect to the normal of the surface. Law of reflection can be dervied from Fermats Principle. Assume that the medium of the light travel is homogeneous, we haveC:UsersGaryDesktopà ¦Ã…“ ªÃƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ½Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ .png Total path length S from A to B is Based on Fermats Principle we know that light would travel the path with minimum time. As in homogeneous medium, light travels with a constant speed and therefore the minimum time path is equilvant to the minimum distance path, which can be obtained by taking the first derivative of S with respect to x. which is sinà £Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¥AOC = sin à £Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¥BOC Thus shows that à £Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¥AOC = à £Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¥BOC, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection NB: It has to be reminded that the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal are co-planar. (Philip D. Straffin, C. T. Benson, 1993) 3.2 Specular and Diffuse Reflection In details, there are two types of reflection Specular reflection and diffuse reflection. Specular or regular reflection is said to occur when parallel rays reflect from a high smooth and flat surface. For instance, a flashlight beam is said to have specular reflection as the reflective surface is mirror which is highly smooth and it, hence, makes the reflected beams travel towards the same direction in parallel as in (a). Most object, however, reflect light diffusely and the rays in an incident parallel beam are reflected in many direction as in (b) because of diffuse reflection. Diffuse reflection is due to the surface of the object not being perfectly smooth like a mirror. In fact, under microscopic scale, the surface of most of objects, if not all, is quite rough. Although at each point on the surface the law of reflection is observed, the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection varies from point to point. Each of the initially parallel rays, therefore, is reflected in a different direction. 3.3 Mirror Concepts and its Applications 3.3.1 Image Formation with Mirrors Mirrors, undoubtedly, are ubiquitous in daily, especially used in mirror and optical instruments for gathering light and forming images. Law of reflection can be applied to use in locating the reflected image graphically as long as the size, location and orientation of the object is known. Images in Plane Mirrors Images with mirrors are formed when many non-parallel light beams are reflected from the mirror surface and converge to form a corresponding image point. Image formed by plane mirror is erect, virtual, same size as the object and laterally inverted.C:UsersGaryDesktopreflection in mirror.png For a point object, in Fig, rays from the object at O are reflected in all directions based on the laws of reflection so that they appear to come from a point I behind the mirror and this is where the observer imagines the image to be. For an extended object, in Fig, the image of a point A on the object is at A, and two points are being equidistant from the mirror. Similarly, the image of point B is at B. The image size, therefore, is identical to the object seize, giving a magnification of unity. However, the right-hand side of the object becomes the left-hand side of the image and vice versa. The image is said to be laterally inverted.C:UsersGaryDesktopmirror extended object.png To conclude, a planar mirror is strictly stigmatic in nature Any incident rays issued from point A gives reflected rays passing through point B symmetrically to A with regard to the plane of the mirror. B, hence, is the image of A. (Katz, 2002) Images in Curved Mirrors There are mainly two types of spherical mirrors, concave and convex. Similar to planar mirror, image can be traced using the law of reflection. Unlike image formed by planar mirror, which is always erect, virtual, same size as the object and laterally inverted, the image formed by a spherical mirror and its nature depend on the distance of the object from the mirror. To construct the image, we assume that small objects on the principal axes of mirrors of small aperture are being considered so that all rays are paraxial. Point images will, thus, be formed of points on the object. For concave mirrors, also known as converging mirrors because of their action on a parallel beam of light, is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface that bulges inward. The formation of image using concave mirror can be in different locations of the object can be concluded by the following figure. Concave Mirror The nature of image using concave mirror and its applications are summarized as below: Position of the object Position of the image Nature and size of the image Use At infinity At the focus Real, inverted and diminished As collector of radiation in solar heating devices Beyond the centre of curvature Between the focus and the centre of curvature Real, inverted and diminished At the centre of curvature At centre of curvature Real, inverted and same size as object As a reflecting mirror behind a projector lamp Between the focus and centre of curvature Beyond the centre of curvature Real, inverted and magnified In flood lights At focus At infinity Real, inverted and magnified As a reflecting mirror in car, head lights, search lights etc. Between the pole of the mirror and the focus Appears behind the mirror Virtual, erect and magnified As a shaving mirror or makeup mirror and dentists mirror (Katz, 2002) For convex mirrors, also known as diverging mirrors reflect the incoming parallel light beams to form divergent beams which appear to come from a point behind the mirror.Convex Mirror Unlike that in concave mirrors, the nature of image formed by convex mirror is always virtual, diminished and erect. (Katz, 2002) 3.3.2 Derivation of the mirror formula Mirror formula is useful when we have to calculate the image location. Using triangles 2 and 3, we have, While using trangles 2 and 4, we have, Where is the image distance, is the object distance, f is the focal length, is the image height and is the object height It should be noticed that the sign convention is to be used in mirror formula. A real object or image distance is positive while a virtual object or image distance is negative. Magnification of a mirror image, m, can also be calculated by 3.3.3 Mirror instruments Catoptric Systems Catoptric Systems is the system that merely consists of mirrors for the formation of image. (Board, 2012) Newtonian telescope Newtonian telescope is the first reflecting telescope invented by Isaac Newton in 1668. It consists of a concave primary mirror and a small flat diagonal secondary mirror. In a bid to have a stigmatic axial image, a concave mirror has to be applied to act as a primary mirror and it reflects light back up the scope axis to the secondary mirror which is titled at 45o to the axis. The secondary mirror, which is a small plane mirror, is placed in the path of beams reflected by the primary mirror in order to divert the rays to one side of the tube. The reason for choosing a small mirror to act as secondary mirror is to prevent the influx of light beams is blocked from reaching the primary mirror. Pros of the Newtonian telescope Cons of the Newtonian telescope Less expensive Reduction of light intensity due to the blockage of central flat plane Shorter focal ratio leads a wider field of view Easily suffer from coma (i.e. an off-axis aberration) Free of chromatic aberration Simpler fabrication (Kitchin, 2012) Cassegrain Telescope Cassegrain Telescope is another type of reflecting telescope employing two principal mirrors, a concave parabolic primary mirror like the Newtonians, but its secondary one is a convex hyperboloidal mirror. It makes use of the special properties of parabolic and hyperbolic reflectors. A concave parabolic reflector will reflect all incoming light rays parallel to its axis of symmetry to a single point, the focus. A convex hyperbolic reflector has two foci and will reflect all light rays directed at one of its two foci towards its other focus. The mirrors in this type of telescope are designed and positioned so that they share one focus and so that the second focus of the hyperbolic mirror will be at the same point at which the image is to be observed, usually just outside the eyepiece. The parabolic mirror reflects parallel light rays entering the telescope to its focus, which is also the focus of the hyperbolic mirror. The hyperbolic mirror then reflects those light rays to its other focus, where the image is observed. (Waland, 1990) Gregorian telescope Gregorian telescope employs concave parabolic mirror to act as both primary and secondary mirror in this reflecting telescope. The light that first enters the tube is reflected by the primary concave mirrors and directed towards the secondary mirror, which is also a concave mirror. It will reflect the rays out to the telescope through the hole in its center. Observer can therefore view the image formed on the eyepiece. (Trà ¼mper, 2010) Catadioptric Systems Catadioptric system, on the other hand, is the system that consists of both mirrors and lenses for the formation of image. (Board, 2012) Catadioptric Systems will not be included in this paper. 3.4 Other Applications 3.4.1 Optical lever and light-beam galvanometers Galvanometer is an instrument that used to measure very small electric currents. Some sensitive galvanometers would use a beam of light in conjunction with a small mirror as a pointer. When there exists current flowing in the electric wire, a tiny mirror that is fixed to the part of the meter will rotate. And a light beam from a fixed lamp falls on the mirror and is reflected onto a translucent scale. For a given current, the longer the pointer (i.e. the reflected beam) the greater the deflection observed on the scale. This simply applies the reflective nature of light wave. (A.M.Badadhe, 2006) 3.4.2 Red-eye effect The Red-eye effect is a common phenomenon in photography. It occurs when the photographic flash unit place closely to the camera lens. Normally, the rationale of photo-taking is that light from the flash unit enters the eye and is reflected back to the camera lens. Nevertheless, under dark environment, pupil diameter would increase due to contraction of radial muscle fibers and relaxation of circular muscle fibers of iris under autonomic nervous system and therefore more light beams can enter into the retina of the eye. And the reflected light from the retina is red because of largely blood vessels in Choroid. It, therefore, gives the Red-eye effect in photograph. 3.4.3 Headlight of Car It employs concave parabolic mirrors at the front of the car, which acts as reflectors in the head lights of cars, search lights etc. 3.4.4 Dentists Mirror Dentists Mirror applies reflection to reflect and focus light on the tooth so that dentists can be examined in detail. 3.4.5 Optical Comparator Optical Comparator is an instrument that projects a magnified image or profile of a part onto a screen for comparison to a standard overlay profile or scale based on the principles of optics. The comparator, basically, is a non-contact device, which frequently used to measure, test, inspect, gauge or examine parts for compliance with specifications. (A.M.Badadhe, 2006) 3.4.6 Security Convex Mirror One of the distinguish feature of convex mirror is the widely view range. Therefore, convex mirror is applied to act as a security mirror in blind junctions of roads or at corners of walls of bug buildings. The person that is approaching from other side would be shown when the mirror is positioned properly. 3.4.7 Rear-view mirror in an automobile Knowing that the size of image of an object would be smaller when the object comes closer to the convex mirror, this unique feature can be applied to use on automobiles as rear view mirrors so that the diver can clearly view an approaching vehicle. 3.4.8 Submarines PeriscopeC:UsersGaryDesktopreflecting Periscope.png A periscope is a mirror instrument for observation from a concealed position. It works by employing two mirrors at 45o to each other, reflecting light rays from one place to another and finally out to the persons eye. 4 Refraction 4.1 Law of Refraction Qualitatively, when a light wave, which in fact composed of oscillating Electric fields and Magnetic field, crosses from a low optically density medium, say vacuum into a high optically density medium, say glass, E-Field and B-Fields are altered in terms of magnitude and direction of travel by the charges in the glass. Law of refraction, however, can be proved mathematically as follows: The first medium is supposed to be faster than the second medium and the speeds of propagation in 1st medium and 2nd medium are and respectively, where c is the speed of light in vacuum and n1, n2 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 1. C:UsersLenovoDropboxU life2012-13, year2, 1st semesterCCST 9042 The world of wavesSnellslaw_diagram2.png Then, we have to evaluate the time taken by light ray from P to Q, which is Based on Fermats Principle, light travels the path with the least time. Thus, in an attempt to minimize the transit time, we set the derivative of time is zero and we have: By trigonometry, we have As and, we have This is Law of refraction, also known as Snell-Descartes law. NB: Similar to law of reflection, the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal are co-planar. (Philip D. Straffin, C. T. Benson, 1993) 4.2 Total internal reflection According to Snells law, when a light travels from one a medium with a higher optical density, to a medium with a lower optical density, say from glass to air, it will be refracted away from the normal (i.e. Ray C in Fig 4.2a) and a weak internally reflected ray is, meanwhile, formed (i.e. Ray B in Fig 4.2a) C:UsersGaryDesktopà ¦Ã…“ ªÃƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ½Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ 33.png Increasing the angle of incidence i increases the angle of refraction r, and at a certain angle of incidence c, called the critical angle, the reflected ray beam just emerges along the surface of the glass and the angle of refraction is 90o (i.e. Ray D in Fig 4.2b). In Fig 4.2 c, as the incident angle is increased continuously above critical angle (i.e. i > c), the refracted angle will be higher than 90o and sin r > 1, which is impossible and no refraction is possible. At this stage the internally reflected ray becomes bright and the refracted ray disappears. Hence, total internal reflection is now said to be occurring since all the incident light is reflected inside the optically denser medium. Mathematically, the critical angle can be found based on Snells law, which is Assume that n1 is refractive index of optically denser medium, n2 is refractive index of optically less dense medium, ÃŽÂ ¸1 is the critical angle of denser medium and ÃŽÂ ¸2 is the angle of refraction in less denser medium. All in all, for Total internal reflection to happen: Light must travel from denser medium to rarer medium. Angle of incidence should be greater than critical angle (i.e. i > c.) 4.3 Thin Lenses Thin lens is a lens that its axial thickness is small compared to the radii of curvature of its surfaces. (I.e. The thickness of the lens is negligible compared with the focal length of the lens) There are mainly two types of thin lenses, Converging thin lenses and Diverging thin lenses. Converging thin lenses, also known as convex lenses, direct parallel light rays bending toward one another after passing through them Diverging thin lenses, or so-called concave lenses, cause parallel light beams to spread as the leave the lens. 4.3.1 Image Formed by Thin Lenses Convex Lens Ray DiagramFormation of Image by a Convex Lens Object is located between focus and lens The image is: Virtual Erect Magnifiedobject at F1 2. Object is located at focus The image is: Real Inverted Magnified 3. Object is located between focus and F2 The image is:object between F2 F1 Real Inverted Magnified 4. Object is located at F2object between O F2 The image is: Real Inverted Same size as the object 5. Object is located beyond F2object beyond F2 The image is: Real Inverted Diminished 6. Object is located at infinityobject infinity The image is: Real Inverted Highly diminished Concave Lens Ray Diagram 1. Object is located between focus and mirrorconcave lens object F O The image is: Erect Virtual Diminished 2. Object is located between mirror and infinityconcave lens object infinity O The image is: Erect Virtual Diminished 3. Object is located at infinityconcave lens object at infinity The image is: Erect Virtual Diminished 4.3.2 Derivation of the lens formula for thin lenses Gaussian lens formula, also known as lens formula, can be derived as follow: As, (1) Where O is the size of the object and I is the size of the image. Also, Thus, Combine with (1), we have NB: The Cartesian Sign Convention for thin lens formulas are as follow: Light travels initially from left to right toward the lens. Object distance p is positive for real objects located to the left of the lens and negative for virtual objects located to the right of the lens. Image distance q is positive for real images formed to the right of the lens and negative for virtual images formed to the left of the lens. The focal length f is positive for a converging lens, negative for a diverging lens. The radius of curvature r is positive for a convex surface, negative for a concave surface. Transverse distances are positive above the optical axis, negative below (Katz, 2002) 4.3.3 Power of a Lens The optical power of the lens is used to describe the bending ability of lens in term of power. Basically the power of a lens of focal length f is, Power, in the case, can be expressed in m-1as the unit of power is diopter 1 D = 1m-1 Therefore, if there exists a convex of power 1D, its focal length equals to 1 meter. 4.4 Optical instruments 4.4.1 Prisms Optical prisms are components that commonly used in optical experimental arrangements and optical instruments, with the role of illustrating dispersion of light beams. Rather than showing the complicated mathematical proof such as derivation of minimum deviation, application of prism will be illustrated below. (Thorington, 2009) Prism BinocularsC:UsersGaryDesktopprism.png Prism Binoculars consist of a pair of refracting astronomical telescopes with two totally reflecting prisms (angles 90o, 45o, and 45o) between each objective and eyepiece. Prism A causes lateral inversion and prism B inverts verticallt so that the final image is the same way round and the same way up as the object. (Thorington, 2009) PeriscopeC:UsersGaryDesktoppp.png Periscope, apart from using two reflecting mirror, employs two prisms. Under the occurring of total internal reflection on the hypotenuse, the incident rays and reflected rays are symmetric with regard to a plane orthogonal to the hypotenuse. In the case of normal incidence on one side of the right angle, the incident and reflected beams are orthogonal. 4.4.2 Magnifying Glass Magnifying glass, also called Simple microscope, consist of a converging lens forming a virtual, upright, magnified image of an object placed inside its principal focus. For an object of height h is viewed at the near point by the unaided eye, the visual angle is, where D is the least distance of distinct vision Now the object is placed at distance u from the lens, the visual angle subtended by its image is given by The angular magnification is, therefore, given by 4.4.3 Compound Microscope Compound Microscope is a kind of optical instrument that uses visible light and a lens system to magnify images of small samples. C:UsersGaryDesktopcompound micropound.png The lens L1 nearer to the object, called the objective, forms a real, magnified, inverted image I1 of an object O placed just outside its principal focus Fo. I1 is just inside the principal focus Fo of the second lens L2, called the eyepiece, which act as a magnifying glass and produces a magnified, virtual image I2 of I1. In normal adjustment, the final image I2 lies at the near point. Then the visual angle subtended by the final image to the eye is given by When the object of height h is placed at the near point and viewed unaided, the visual angle subtended by the object is given by Hence, the angular magnification is given by And since, the linear magnification is equal to the linear magnification of the objective x linear magnification of the eyepiece. (Giordano, 2011) 4.4.4 Refracting Astronomical Telescope Refracting Astronomical Telescope consists of two converging lenses; one is an objective with long focal length and the other an eyepiece with short focal length. The objective L1 forms a real, diminished, inverted image I1, of a distant object at its principal focus Fo since the rays incident on L1 from a point on such an object can be assumed parallel. The eyepiece L2 acts as a magnifying glass and forms a magnified, virtual image of I1 and, when the telescope is in normal adjustment, this image is at infinity. I1 must, therefore, be at the principal focus F2 of L2, hence F0 and F2 coincide. From the above figure, we find that The visual angle subtended by the object is given by and the visual angle subtended by the object is given by, where h is the image height. Therefore, the angular magnification is For telescope in normal adjustment, the separation of the two lenses is the sum of the focal lengths. And this, the foci of the objective lens and the eye-piece must be at the same place. (Giordano, 2011) 4.4.5 Galilean Telescope Galilean Telescope consists of two lenses a converging objective of large focal length and a diverging eyepiece of small focal length The angular magnification is 5. Conclusion In this term paper, the concepts of geometric optics are included comprehensively such as law of reflection, refraction, formation of images in mirrors and lens, etc. The notion of a light ray and the scientific study of light are involved in a bid to illustrating the working principle of different mirror and optical instruments, such as various telescope, efficiently.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Internet Of Things

Internet Of Things The Internet of Things is the idea that ordinary everyday objects can, with the addition of sensors and communications interfaces, be made Smart. In this context Smart means that they are able to communicate useful information regarding their current state, their location and the environment they exist in. The technology behind this idea has been applied to areas such as energy efficiency [6], a virtual lost property office [7], tachographs for individual road charging [8], RFID systems in logistics [5] and bar codes on supermarket products that can be read by mobile phone applications to give nutritional information, allergy warnings or ethical information [9]. However, in this paper we shall be investigating the Internet of Things from the perspective of its application in what have become known as Smart Homes and more specifically how issues relating to Human Computer Interaction (HCI) have been considered when developing products and appliances therein. First we shall provide a b ackground to the subject, highlighting its origins and noting key technical themes. Following this we shall look in more depth at studies relating to key HCI concerns we have identified. The first of these concerns is the design, usability and acceptance of interfaces on Smart appliances. The second concern is the impact of security and personal privacy considerations on the perception and acceptance of Smart Homes technology. Finally, in our conclusion we will show that [TBC when conclusion can be added] Background The term Internet of Things represents a vision in which the virtual world of the Internet is extended into the physical world of everyday objects. A concept first put forward by Mark Weiser in a 1991 article for Scientific American [1], it stems from the idea that the continuing trend for reductions in price, size and energy consumption of electronic components, microprocessors and communications modules will lead to a truly ubiquitous computing experience. The term itself is attributed to Kevin Ashton, co-founder of MITs Auto-ID Center [2], which was set up to design, develop and propagate open standards for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) infrastructure. Using sensors, it is envisioned that objects become context aware or Smart and that built-in networking capabilities enable these Smart objects to communicate their current state both to people and other systems via internet services. Such developments have been widely recognised both by governments and international bodies as important and potentially disruptive. The Internet of Things was included in the US National Intelligence Council list of 6 Disruptive Civil Technologies [17] in 2008, whilst an EU Commission action plan [4] saw the evolution of the Internet taking it from a network of interconnected computers to a network of interconnected objects. This vision mirrors that of the International Telecommunications Union which views the Internet of Things as a development that means ÂÂ  from anytime, anyplace connectivity for anyone, we will now have connectivity for anything [20]. Applications include energy efficiency and conservation [6], a virtual lost property office [7], tachographs for individual traffic costs [8], RFID tagging in logistics [5] and barcodes in supermarkets that can be read by mobile phones [9] [13] to supply information such as allergy warnings or nutritional details. However, ther e is the potential to impact on any field that would benefit from remote, automated observation and data collection, efficient control management or real-time interpretation of data from the physical world [5]. Much of the research into the Internet of Things has been from a strictly engineering perspective and as such follows a Design Science approach that is very much machine focused. Examples of this research can be found in [10] and [18] where it has been additionally described as following either a Things oriented perspective or an Internet oriented perspective. This is a reflection that the word Internet acts both as a metaphor for connectedness and also, in a stricter technical sense, to signify the use of IP (Internet Protocol) as a basis for communication. Things oriented initiatives are largely those originating from the Auto-ID Center, which promote the use of RFID tags and a global Electronic Product Code (EPC). RFID tags are the combination of a small microchip attached to a wireless antenna in a package usually similar to an adhesive sticker. RFID tagged objects are not Smart in and of themselves but rather they require a reader to aggregate and interpret information they gather and sit between themselves and the applications making use of their data. The development and adoption of an EPC network [11] and EPCIS standards aims to provide the infrastructure to uniquely identify RFID tagged objects and simplify the processing and exchange of the data they capture. This will be helped by the creation of Wireless Sensor Networks enabled through advances in energy efficient multi-hop Wireless Personal Area networks (WPAN) [21]. RFID systems have the advantage of being very small size and very low cost [18] and are considered good for c losed loop applications e.g. logistics within a single organisation such UPS or FedEx rather than open loop applications such as supply chain that have greater complexity problems [10]. ÂÂ  There are, however, major practical issues relating to scalability and confidentiality. Internet Protocol (IP) enables Smart objects to be fully connected as Internet nodes. However, the requirements for processing and power consumption are currently prescriptive with regards to implementing a TCP/IP stack and wireless communications into RFID tags. Research into technologies that overcome these issues forms the Internet oriented approach and promotes the idea of Unique, Universal or Ubiquitous ID (uID) architectures. It also includes artefacts that have alternatively been termed the Web of Things [16], as a refinement of Internet of Things. A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach, allowing for the decomposition of complex and monolithic systems into applications consisting of an ecosystem of simpler and well defined components [18] has been adopted in the development of middleware to bridge this gap. Middleware describes the software layer(s) sitting between and acting as a communications link between applications and low level objects. One such example is the S OCRADES Integration Architecture [29] in which Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application developers can query networked devices to find the most suitable one to provide the required service based on its real-time environmental context. Alternative middleware approaches include Fosstrak [26] an open source RFID infrastructure implementing EPC Network specifications and e-SENSE [25] that uses wireless sensors to capture ambient intelligence. A more ad-hoc Web of Things approach [27] applies REST (Representational State Transfer) [30] use of the Web as application platform to devices. In this model Smart objects are embedded with a small HTTP server [15] [16] or use a middleware gateway to transmit XML or JSON data. One outcome of this is the potential for real-time Mashups (user generated composite applications) of physical objects with Web 2.0 services. Examples include tracking the flight paths of planes around Zurich [14] or measuring energy consumption of appliances [16]. In the future this could mean an RSS or Twitter feed from your fridge updating you on the status of its contents. Mattern and Fleorkemeier [10] have identified twelve major challenges they consider important to the ongoing development of an Internet of Things. Amongst these are two that form the basis of our investigations and provide the focus of the remainder of this paper. The reason we have settled on these two challenges is that we have identified them as relating most directly to the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) issues that are the focus of our studies. These two challenges are: Arrive Operate The idea that Smart objects should not be perceived as computers and that there should be no need for user configuration, rather they should just work. For the applications we shall study in more detail this is most clearly manifested in the choices made when designing the user interface. Security personal privacy The understanding that a wider Internet of Things will inherit all the privacy issues associated with the existing Internet and in addition will have to concerns regarding the authentication of other communication partners where each partner is either a Smart object or a service.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Baptism :: essays research papers

Baptism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many positive and negative arguments about infant baptism in the Catholic Church. Baptism is a Christian. Baptism is the second biggest sacrament known to Christian religions. Baptism is a Christian sacrament marked by a ritual, which admits the recipient into the Christian community. In the Roman Catholic tradition baptism is celebrated by immersing a persons head with water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Infant baptism has a lot of good negative arguments to help make this issue so controversial. One argument is that Catholics baptize at an early age, because of pressure of the Jewish religion. Male Infants of the Jewish faith are circumcised in order to get their right of passage into the church. Feeling the pressure the Catholic church felt that they should use infant baptism as a way of passage for the Christian faith.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another more prevalent argument is the idea of infant baptism not having any biblical foundation, which is presented by Karl Barth. Barth brings up the facts that Infant baptism was started in the apostolic period, not the period of the New Testament itself. Barth continues his argument with the fact that infant baptism has brought about the fact that people are Christians as a result of birth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cyprian of Carthage presents positive arguments on the issue of infant baptism. Cyprian explains that infant baptism obtains remission of both sinful acts and original sin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A philosopher named Augustine helps to clear up the controversy over infant baptism being right or wrong. Augustine raises the issue that, the apostolic creed states that there is â€Å"one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.† Since the creed presents this then the church followed that infant baptism remitted original sin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being raised Catholic it is hard to understand some of the negative comments. For instance I really don’t believe I’m a catholic because of birth. I was taken to church as a child, but as I started to understand the beliefs I could have easily rejected the beliefs of a Christian faith.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nooligan and Street Boy Essay -- English Literature

Nooligan and Street Boy The poems "Nooligan" by Roger McGough and "Street Boy" by Gareth Owen are two poems which both deal with the issue of teenage hooliganism, and both poets use language to create a vivid sense of character. Although both deal with the same theme, there are many similarities and differences between the two. "Nooligan" is about a boy who thinks he is really powerful and harsh but is actually an uneducated boy trying to be a real hooligan. "Street Boy" is also about a hooligan except that he actually is more powerful and has a higher status than the inferior "Nooligan". One of the main similarities is that both the poets present the characters as using slang language or some sort of incorrect form of English. In "Nooligan" for example the boy says in the fourth line of the third verse: Football's me game (Well, watchin') McGough has used "me" instead of my. This portrays the "Nooligan" as unintelligent and uneducated because of the use of words and grammar, because the poem gives us an impression that "Nooligan" isn't the type of person who would work hard (he doesn't "give a toss"), I'm not surprised at the hooligan's English. The use of slang by the hooligan in "Street Boy" is the word "hark" instead of listen or hear and "stompin'" instead of walking. The effects that these two words put on us are that we start to think that the boy actually does have some power and attitude, and we believe that he actually is the bully that he's talking about. But at the same time, the use of these slang words makes the characters appear to be foolish and idiotic. Another similarity that the poet employs in the two poems is that in both of them, the first line of each verse is the sa... ...he is. The words "stompin'", "silence", "spaced", "stoned" all show that. In conclusion, the two poems are very interesting and engaging in terms of the use of words, tone, structure etc. The poets Roger McGough ("Nooligan") and Gareth Owen ("Street Boy") use specific techniques to give the poems a certain effect. There are differences and similarities between the two obviously. The main similarity is the poets' use of slang and an incorrect form of English and the main difference is the language and vocabulary between the two poems. Something worth mentioning is that the poets have made the poems relate to all teenagers in general since the name of the "Nooligan" and the "Street Boy" aren't given. So overall, there are a lot of similarities and differences between the two, but both are to the point and give you a general idea of what the poem is about.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Social Norm Paper

Erika Lamberson Mrs. DeRoussell Psychology April 9, 2013 Social Norms P1. To be accepted by society people have to follow the norm. When you step outside of the mainstream you are considered â€Å"different† no matter how right you are. That’s why when someone starts a movement people are against him, until enough people start do it his way and â€Å"it becomes the norm†. It is also called trying to fit in because if you do something out of the norm, you are pretty much an outsider. People get others to do things out of the norm every day, it just goes unnoticed.Most of the time people don’t do it in public because it isn’t something they want to draw attention to. I am choosing to violate the social norm of going through a drive-thru forwards in a vehicle. I am doing this to find out what kind of reactions I get when I do something out of the ‘social norm’. Going through the drive-thru backwards, whether it is at a fast food place or a bank is not said to be normal. Normally, people pull up to the window with their vehicle facing forward. When I do this social norm violation, I expect to get a lot of responses.This experiment will be very hard for me to do considering I will have to drive my vehicle in reverse. I predict that the responses will be to get weird looks or possibly laughed at. People don’t normally see someone coming through a drive-thru with their car faced backwards. Not only is it not normal, it can also be dangerous and embarrassing. My only concerns about completing this experiment are that I get it done safely without hurting myself, my vehicle, or anyone else for that matter. Since I will have to go through the drive-thru backwards, this is going to be a challenge.I will have to watch out of every mirror I have and also pay attention to the people behind me. P2. My plan to complete this social norm experiment is to go through the drive-thru at two different restaurants. The first one wi ll be at a place called Taco Bell. The second will be at Burger King. This will be difficult because I have never gone through a drive-thru in reverse. I will order at the ordering station, and then pull up to the window, pay for my food, receive my food, all while driving in reverse. I will be observing the way the employees and customers act.Depending on how good this experiment goes, they will all understand why I am doing this. P3. The first thing I did when I pulled into Taco Bell was drive to the back of the restaurant and park my truck. I did this so I could make sure that there weren’t going to be a lot of people going through the drive-thru. The time of night is around 9 at this point, so there weren’t a lot of people out. I started to back up and go to the ordering station. The first curve to the ordering station is a little sharp so of course I had trouble while trying to drive in reverse.I had my boyfriend with me so he could help observe and order for me. After I got to the ordering station a car pulled up next in line. I couldn’t really see the look on their faces because their headlights were shining right in my eyes. The employee takes our order and we proceed to drive to the window. When we get to the window, the look on the girls face was priceless. When we received our food, we continued to drive backwards like nothing was wrong. Then came the hardest part of the experiment at Taco Bell, pulling back out onto the main road in reverse.My boyfriend and I made sure that no one was coming from either way just to keep from causing a wreck. I had to quickly pull out onto the main road and turn around as fast as possible. The second restaurant I did the social norms experiment at was Burger King. This place is never very busy so I decided I would go around lunch time. I also had my boyfriend do this one with me. It was around 1 PM on a rainy Saturday. The drive-thru of Burger King was way easier than Taco Bell because it is a l ot wider and doesn’t have a sharp turn. I came to the ordering station and my boyfriend began to order our food.By the time we got to the window to pay for our food, there were 3 people standing there wondering what in the world we were doing. I explained to them why I was driving backwards, and they agreed that they thought it was a fun idea. After we got our food, they laughed and started talking about how they had always seen on the internet someone driving through a drive-thru backwards but hadn’t ever seen it in person. P4. The responses I got were very different at both places. I am not sure if it was because of the employees working or if it was just the time of the day that I went.The people at Taco Bell didn’t really have that much of a reaction. I got the hint that they just thought I was a stupid teenager that was trying to be cool. I did see one person in the back cooking that laughed and gave me a thumbs up. At Burger King they were so much more int erested in what I was doing than anything else. They all gathered at the window and were laughing and carrying on and asking me all sorts of questions. I think I had very different reactions because it was late at night for Taco Bell and all the employees just wanted to go home. P5.The experience of violating a social norm was definitely thrilling. I don’t think I would have ever thought to do something like this without the realization of how important ‘social norms’ are. The experiment left me with more knowledge about how important social norms are to people. To go against a social norm is looked down on most of the time. I was really great to go out and do the opposite and see what the reactions were. Even though you don’t get a good reaction, another place may laugh with you. You should never be too embarrassed to try something out of the norm.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Muslim Women Essay

The more and more I study about Muslim Women and the obstacles they face, I become angered. In writing this paper, I’ve found that there is no substantial evidence in any Muslim or Islamic writings that states that women should be treated as slaves or insubordinates. Women are to be respected, protected, and loved; no matter what religion or color they may be. So, my paper will focus on these three things, but the lack of it. What is the definition of respect? Respect is a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity. When you respect a person, you will show it through actions and deeds; without any conjuring. I’ve noticed that Muslim women aren’t respected too well within their own religion. The Sharia Law is the moral code and religious law of Islam which deals with many topics such as prayer, fasting, diet, sexual intercourse, hygiene, etc. It is considered the infallible law of God; there is no human interpretation. The two sources of this law are the Quran and Mohammed; the last source is part of the human interpretation that many state the Quran doesn’t possess. According to the Sharia, women aren’t equal to men unless it is in religious duties such as prayer, fasting, and making hajj. Contrary to what most Muslim men believe, a woman is not created for the purpose of a Muslim man. Rather, they are both created for each other. They are to help, support, and cleave to one another through their life and Islamic religion. Some Muslim men have taken the Quran and made it to be a falsity to their perception and added to it. This addition has caused many Muslim women to be disrespected and abused. Many Islamic religions are filled with much domestic violence. Take Bibi Aisha’s case, her husband was part of the Taliban and she never had a chance to see him. During his time away, her in-laws beat her, tortured her, and made her sleep with the livestock. The abuse became too much, so Bibi ran away, but her father returned her back to her in-laws. Due to her disappearance, her husband returned and he proceeded to torture her in front of the community by removing her ear and nose. She was left in the desert to bleed to death. She ran to her uncle’s house and he turned her away, but her father-in-law took her to the Americans (military) where they tended to her wounds and protected her. You can find her picture on my blog for this class. When I see her, I see a woman of strength and perseverance. It’s said to say, but this incident which brought her much pain, seems to have blessed her. It is because of the mutilation of her face that she is free and in a better place. It is well known within the Islamic culture that domestic abuse is hardly unique. Many Muslim women deal with this atrocity daily, due to the thoughts of Muslim men. Most Muslim males believe that Muslim women are slaves or property. Most husbands believe its right to beat their wives and treat her with disdain. An often-quoted verse in the Quran says a husband may chastise a disobedient wife, but this is open to several interpretations. What is the definition of protection and love? Protection is to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage, or destruction and love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. I can’t say that I see these actions practiced within the Muslim culture. If anything, Muslim women are caused to feel scared, unsafe, unprotected, and abused. The most common form of abuse is emotional and mental abuse. This can include verbal threats, intimidation, neglect, extreme jealousy and possessiveness. The worse of the two is the mental abuse which causes severe psychological harm. It destroys her self-esteem, self-worth, and causes many to have nervous breakdowns and become suicidal. Some of the factors that make Muslim men abusive Muslim women are: 1. Economic hardship, political oppression experienced outside the U.S., problems with the children, or an inferiority complex. 2. Some Muslim men accept the idea that it’s normal for a man to hit his wife and that she is no more than a piece of his property. 3. It’s generational; habits are picked up after watching their own fathers abuse their mothers. 4. Some abuse their wives because they want them to be more â€Å"modern† and less Islamic. SO they have their wives remove their hijab (Islamic dress), while others turn to abuse in order to keep their wives traditional; which is the exact opposite of the former. In a marriage, the Quran is very clear on procedures in discipline for Islamic wives. First, there’s peaceful discussion between the two about the problem and resolutions. If this doesn’t work, the next step is for the husband to be more stern and focused. If the disobedience persists from the wife, the husband will leave the bed which is a form of punishment for not only the wife, but also the husband. If that doesn’t work, then other family members will become involved and try to help in resolving the issues and being fair to both parties. This is not totally true because the Muslim religion is male dominated and gender-controlled. The males within the family will be the first and last to define choices of resolution. Remember, Muslim women really don’t have rights. Whether it’s within their family, job, mosque, or society. There is no balance when it comes to gender or to resolving life’s issues in the Muslim culture. During this whole process, Muslim women keep quiet due to feelings of depression and hopelessness. They began to feel like no one will help them and they are constantly aware of their co-dependence to their husbands. Financial independence is something that is always in the forefront of their minds, but it’s always tainted by the images of control in the Muslim culture. So, they make a decision to stay in bondage to keep their homes, children, and the love of their husbands; the latter is questionable. Some Muslim women see the abuse as a fact of life and learn to live with it. So, what does the abuse and control have to do with Women’s Studies? Well, throughout the class we focused on many different types of situations that involved women; whether good or bad. The control and abuse that is present in the Muslim culture reminds of gender prejudice and gender discrimination. Both are one in the same, but speak of different influences. Gender prejudice is a belief that women are the weaker of the sexes emotionally and physically and must be protected from the world outside. I know that males are expected to be the providers and to dominate the decision making in the home, but there sh ould still be some form of balance. Balance is needed in everything; whether it’s life, work, or play. We all need to have a sense of structure or rules, but there must be a state of adjustment. In reviewing gender discrimination, you will find prejudicial treatment based upon groups or individuals due to their gender or sex; there is no protection factor involved. Gender discrimination can affect both men and women, but women are usually at the receiving end, since most cultures in the world are patriarchal and male-dominated. This isn’t a far cry for religions because mostly all religions are male-dominated. You will find women aren’t seen as being equal to men within the scope of religion. It is partly due to how man has interpreted their religious readings or scriptures, and twisted it to be a form of evil and disdain. Yes, there are places within scripture that speak of women being unclean due to their monthly or being untouchable after childbirth. But is it because the woman is evil, or is it a form of protection for her and anyone that she may come into contact with? All in all, I see the Islamic religion as being so gender biased that it causes me to become angered. This religion seems to prevent Muslim women from nurturing their true identity and blossoming into women of self-worth and self-esteem. Hiding one’s face can make a person feel unworthy and disconnected. It’s a joy to feel positive about yourself and who you are. Being able to feel good about your looks and your body can be very uplifting to the psyche and soul. What puts a damper on that? Having a father, brother, husband, or any male to make you feel that your very essence is despicable and dirty. Hopefully, in the 21st century, things will change and get better. Until then, it’s up to us to become more aware of the many differences of cultures and religions. These differences could cause or society to become cold, unloving, and aloof. I don’t believe our world should be this way. If anything, love should prevail and the worship of a power stronger than you should cause you to love everyone even the more. Bibliography Roald, Anne S. (2001). Women in Islam: The Western Experience. Routledge. Suad Joseph, Afsaneh Najmabadi, ed. Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures. Brill Academic Publishers. â€Å"Women and Violence.† Welcome to the United Nations: It’s Your World. United Nations Department of Public Information, Feb. 1996. Web. 07 Dec. 2011 â€Å"American Muslim Women Unveil, and Explain Why: NPR.† NPR: National Public Radio. 19 Oct. 2011. Muslim Clerics on the Religious Rulings Regarding Wife-Beating. Jihad Watch. 15 Nov. 2011.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Life Before the Internet and After the Internet Essay

Life was very different before the advent of the Internet. Communication methods were limited, stores were the only place to buy goods and services, and physical libraries were the only place to find information and research. The three biggest changes caused by the Internet are in communication, sales, and access to information. The Internet has changed the way people communicate. It allows for instant and reliable communication between people across the street or across the globe. In the past, the only ways to send documents were via fax and postal mail. Faxes were limited because messages could only include two-dimensional text and graphics. The postal mail faced these same issues, as well as the problem with the time it took to send a document through the mail. With the Internet, documents with text, graphics, audio files, video files, and interactive objects can now be transmitted quickly to anyone with a simple click of a button. This has changed the way business is done and has made it easier for companies to expand into new markets. On a smaller level, the Internet has allowed people to reconnect with old friends or make new ones. Chat rooms and social networks such as MySpace. com are becoming increasingly popular as people enjoy the sense of anonymity. The second way that the Internet has changed the world is in the buying and selling of goods and services. With the ability to purchase products online, the business world has changed drastically. Online stores are competing for business, while established brick-and-mortar stores have set up web-based stores as well. Customers can now purchase nearly everything they need from the comfort of their own homes. The Internet has also allowed for quick and easy comparisons of the prices and quality of products and services. The final and most important impact of the Internet is in the access of information. In the past, if you needed to find information on the history of Latin America, you had to go to your local library. Then, you were limited by which books and resources the library carried. With limited budgets, libraries cannot be expected to carry the best sources for every topic. Today, you can access information on any topic from the Internet through academic journals, online encyclopedias, book reviews, and more. In addition, you can find information on every television and radio program, historical events, current events, health issues, scientific discoveries, sporting events, and theories on everything from biomedicine to parenting. Finally, being able to access information online has led to colleges and universities offering degrees where it is not necessary for students to ever step into a classroom. Lectures, PowerPoint slides, notes, and required readings are available on the Internet. In conclusion, the Internet has significantly changed the world in the way people communicate, do business, and learn. The rapidity with which these changes took place suggests that more drastic and exciting changes are still to come. New and innovative uses for technology are developed every day, and the Internet is a major focus of these developments.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Further Oral Proposal

12th Grade IB Further Oral Activity Proposal Due Date: November 5th 1. Describe the primary text for your presentation. What type of text is it? What is its origin? Who created the text? (2 points) Our text is 3 different songs from three different artists. The first one is â€Å"Get Up† by 50 Cent. The second one is â€Å"Grenade† by Bruno Mars. The third one is â€Å"La La La† by Snoop Lion. 2. Complete the following chart for your primary text. Make sure you answer all of the questions provided. (2 x 5 points) Audience / purpose: ? Who does the text target?The first two songs may be directed to a younger audience. The second song’s audience may especially be romantic or heart-broken people. The third song is written for everyone. ? What does the author wish to achieve through the text? 50 Cent tries to show off about his way of life. Bruno Mars tries to be romantic and depicts his love life. Snoop Lion tries to affect people. Content / theme: ? How does the content of the text relate to the overarching themes of the unit (Language and Power, Language and Identity, Language and Gender)?The texts relate to theme of Language and Culture. They might also be related to the theme of Language and Gender. Tone / mood: ? What is the attitude about the subject of the text? How is this achieved? 50 Cent is more aggressive and bossy. Bruno Mars is emotional, questioning and dreamy. ? Describe the atmosphere of the text. How is this achieved? In â€Å"Get Up†, you feel pressured and weaker as 50 Cent keeps giving orders and shows off. Bruno Mars makes you feel emotional as well.He depicts the contrast between the woman’s lack of interest to his romance. Stylistic devices: ? How does the author use language to convey a sentiment or message? ? What type of language is used (dialect, jargon, accent, diction)? ? How is imagery created? ? Does the text contain any of following: irony, sarcasm, rhetorical devices, figurative language, analogy, musical qualities, etc? Structure: ? How is the text organized (i. e. layout/ formatting)? ?What kinds of structural elements of a particular text type do you see? . Provide an outline for your presentation. (8 points) One of the songs will be played in class. It’s video can be shown as well. Then, if necessary or interesting or related to the song, the background and culture of the artist will be shared with the class. Then the lyrics will be analyzed and a connection will be made between the language in the song and the artist’s culture. After that, the second and third songs will be presented the exact same way