Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fashion Film

Rules and Regulations As fashion film is a new addition to the fashion installment, there aren't any specific rules and regulations that the filmmakers have to follow because fashion is all about expressing opinions, feelings etc. However there are a few ethics that they should be aware of, with any film such as violence, drug abuse, discrimination etc. The filmmakers need to be aware of these ethics because the last thing you want the film to do is offend anyone because then the company, or in this case designer, could get a bad reputation and not become successful.Other things that should be considered when putting together a fashion show is the location because you want the show to be memorable to the audience and a unique location will help make it more memorable. The set is another important thing to think about because if there is a theme such as ‘nature' being carried out though the fashion then you'll want to back that up with a nature themed set; this will also make it more memorable to the audience.Seating should be considered because you want the audience to have a perfect view of the fashion and the film hat they will be seeing though out the show so that they can fully take in what they will be seeing. Lights are an important part of a fashion show because you want the catwalk to be lit up perfectly so the audience can see the clothes perfectly especially if there is any fine detail in the clothes.Music is something to consider because this can really add on to the theme of the show and create the sense of escapism that some audiences crave for; for example if there is a nature theme in your show then it could be a good idea to add some slow classic music with some wildlife sounds. The air and make up of the models is key to a fashion show because this can complete the look of the whole fashion show and really enhance the theme of the fashion show. One fashion show that really has been thought out to every detail is the Alexander Macaque show Homeowners SIS 10 in Paris.The title of the show was ‘Plat's Atlantis' and was inspired by concepts of environmental destruction, stem-cell technology, ‘mutation of the fittest' and the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. The location of this fashion show is unknown but it was performed in Paris during Fashion Week at the end of October 2010. I would hold my fashion show in Paris because it is considered the fashion capital of the world. Paris is a great place to hold a fashion show because the fashion history is so strong compared to other cities like London or Tokyo.The set of the fashion show consists of a very long, white, wide catwalk to represent a laboratory to expand the theme of Stem Cell Technology; there was also a 60 foot LED screen at the back to display the fashion film and two twenty foot robotic cameras along side of the catwalk where one of the cameras displayed the footage it was getting onto the giant screen. I really liked this set because it enhanced th e theme of a laboratory really well from the Petri dish like catwalk, the fashion on the models making them appear to be the experiments in the lab and the cameras acting like the scientists observing what was going on.The lighting used for this show was simple and even, this allowed the audience in the fashion show to see each outfit perfectly. This is a great way to install lights and I would defiantly use it in a fashion show because it doesn't take the attention of the viewers away from the fashion. The music for this fashion show sounds like it would e played in an opening scene for a blockbuster movie set underwater; it contains a lot of heavy synchs and long slow drums.I like this music and would use it in a fashion show because it adds to the theme of the show ‘Atlantis' and gives the audience a sense of escapism. To be able to broadcast my fashion film with music, I need to follow the rules set by The I-J Copyright Service. The law set by them states 1. Using the work of others If you use samples of music by other authors in your work, ensure that you get permission to use the work before you attempt to publish or sell your work. Similarly, f you use loops or samples available via sample collections etc. Ensure that these are licensed as free to use, or obtain permission first. 2. Obtaining permission If you need to get permission to use a piece of music, normally the best place to start is with the last know publisher for the work. They will certainly know how to get permission to use the work, (as they must have permission themselves), so they will certainly know who you would need to contact. If the work is by an U. S. Artist, you could contact the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, IBM (Broadcast Music, IncBand members agreements Where music is written as a group effort, we recommend that you draw up an agreement to clarify issues, such as which rights belong to which member, and how royalties would be distributed in the event that members of your group leave. For successful commercial bands, incorporation is also an option. As with a normal incorporated company, the band members would own shares in the band/company. In this situation, a band member would typically sell his shares to the other members if he decided to leave. This states that I need to obtain permission by the DC/Producer that produced this song.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hundreds of emails and no sleep: does this sound like a satisfying job Essay

Questions & Answers: Q 1: Do you think that only certain individuals are attracted to these types of job? or is it the characteristics of the jobs themselves that are satisfying? The jobs seem extreme in nature with exceptional long and irregular hours of more than the normal 40- hour work week, constant travels and serious lack of work-life balance. Only certain individuals would be attracted to these jobs. These individuals are willing to sacrifice family time for job sake. Looking at the extreme nature of the jobs they are far from satisfying any normal worker, even if compensation is considered, but the jobs would be satisfying to a special breed of people who find the jobs as challenging. The four individuals displayed high levels of job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment that enable them to accept the hardships as a positive challenge. These individuals are positive people because negative people are usually not satisfied with their jobs, more so if the jobs are as stressfu l as mentioned in the case. These individuals also have positive core self-evaluation that contributed to their being more satisfied with their jobs even under extreme conditions. Pay was not the determinant†¦ Questions; – Do you think that only certain individuals are attracted to these types of jobs, or is it the characteristics of the jobs themselves that are satisfying when you are doing them? – What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction? – how might this satisfaction relate to your job performance, behaviour, attitude, turnover of staff? – if there is a lot competition for this kind of position how might that affect an individuals behaviour, attitude and performance at work? 1.Do you think only certain individuals are attracted to these type of jobs or is it the characteristics of the job themselves that are satisfying? When we talk about an individual, or certain group of individuals, job satisfaction solely depends on their perspective. For them, job satisfaction need not be high salary, better position or other job conditions. What factors may motivate us, may not give us happiness. Personality plays a very important role in job satisfaction. People who believe in their inner self and basic competence are more satisfied than those who don’t have self core evaluation. Hence only certain individuals are attracted to these type of  jobs, and it’s not just the characteristics of the job. 2. What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction? Rajesh bisht is an investment banker. The way it has been described about Mr. Rajesh here shows that he is very enthusiastic about his work, which implies that he loves what he does. Being an investment banker requires strong background in finance as it involves a lot of financial analysis of a company or an organization. The work requires him to analyze and give solutions to an organization which might be in crisis. So the entire organization is dependent on Mr. Rajesh’s analysis. This job requires more involvement and Mr. Rajesh likes his responsibility. In Ravi Goyal’s case, he heads the international marketing team of an engineering firm. Ravi Goyal is always and ever ready to work because his work involves maintaining relationships globally. CASE 2: Long hours, hundreds of emails and no sleep: does this sound like a satisfying job? Observations: Characteristics of the 4 jobs were quite similar. John Bishop: good stable job, irregular long hours (90 to 100- hour work week), no complaints, willing to take things to the extreme Irene Tse :good stable job, long hours (80 – hour work week), no complaints, willing to take things to the extreme and highly motivated Tony Kurz : good stable job, long irregular hours, constant travels, highly satisfied with job, prefers job more to personal relationships David Clark: good stable job, long irregular hours (60- hour work week), frequent travels, need to attend to many emails daily, serious lack of work-life balance, highly motivated.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Summarize the article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarize the article - Research Paper Example y events that configure fields enable the telling of new narratives and the way, these narratives can cause a change in organizations as well as institutional fields through domination, translation, and interpretation. Field-configuring events are such temporary social organizations that provide platforms for people to periodically assemble from diverse organizations and purposes to realize their common concerns and develop coordination among themselves. To achieve the objectives of the study, the authors collected documents on the POPs issue and a range of texts from different INC meetings. They also gathered major texts related to the Stockholm meetings as well as the DDT issue made and distributed outside meetings. This study was conducted using an exploratory case study to gather a holistic and elaborating understanding of the field-level organizational change. The rationale behind selection of this case is that it is well-documented with major texts created and distributed by the participants being mostly in the public domain. In addition to that, the conference format is useful because it represents a range of multilateral meetings conducted by many international agencies including the UN. The specific focus of the authors was upon the struggle over the practices of using DDT during this conference. DDT was selected for consideration because this chemical’s discussion was a major element of the conference that was also different from the discussions of the rest of the POPs. It seemed at the conference’s beginning that DDT would be deal with in a similar way to other POPs, but agreement upon the legal text established DDT as the only chemical that was intentionally produced with its use being restricted subject rather than eliminated to certain conditions. This is a very useful and informative article that touches upon very important topics of national as well as international concern. In spite of the fact that various limitations apply on this study,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Committee of women in history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Committee of women in history - Essay Example This is an edited book, edited by Chaudhury and Boris, and is a collection of personal narratives by various former officials of Coordinating Council for Women in History. They have taken different routes to become women historians and had faced hard decisions of a family life, professional and of political activists in the earlier part of twentieth century. 20 women, who had been connected with this institution, Coordinating Committee of Women in History, came together to find many similar facts and interconnections in their lives. The social and cultural background of these historians had been totally different from one another, but the problems and difficulties they faced were almost identical and were threads of the same social fabric. The intention of the organization had been to encourage women to enter into the profession of historians and fight any kind of gender, social and cultural inequalities through political or social activities. This organization takes many steps to en sure that women are encouraged to become historians.These 20 historians, who have given autobiographical sketches, are the organizers and initiators of this organization, who had fought through discrimination and various battles in their private, professional and social lives.There are explanations how they launched into a career of professional historians. Most of the contributors are from middle class white society, but there are colored and working class women contributors too. These women pursued a career in a dogged way, breaking centuries of paradigm. They have a common ground other than their professional interest. They are hard working, noted and dedicated scholars. They have the strength and determination to rise above difficulties. They were persistent and braved all stormy weathers. They are slightly aggressive and show a healthy amount of pride and self-gratification. They are the intellectuals that any society would be proud of. They have struggled "to change the profession of history, to change historical scholarship, and to change the direction of our own history," (xiii). They had been working for social causes, women's liberations, and human rights, against racism, for peace etc. throughout, along with their professional careers. Determination to have a married life had its own implications on their intellectual lives. Some of them were raising their families while being dominated by men. The society as well as the profession were male dominated. The autobiographies offer throughout their narrative, many important details and reflective arguments about how they preserved their identities and dealt intelligently with many of them; how they continued playing their female roles of daughter, wife, mother, partner and the at the same time, continued their social role of political activists. Simultaneously, they also marched forward in their own chosen professional careers of teachers and researchers. They did not allow themselves to be marginalized or edged out of the race. They did not allow their creativity to dwindle in any way. They continued their resistance and fight throughout their working lives. The organization to which they belonged also gave them support and it remained their anchor through their struggle. There are diverse accounts about male dominated working places and organizations and the supporting role played by CCWH and other supporting institutions. It is more of a sisterly bonding, trying to understand each other's problems while going through more or less identical problems in life. Some of them talk about international cooperation they have received in the process. In a way these are the tales of triumph of emerging feminism in United States. Even though Western countries are far more advanced in gender equality, it is always not very easy to make much headway in an entirely male dominated society, not to mention profession. These voices are personal, political and professional and at the same time, feminine. The coherence they have achieved is praiseworthy. At

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Watergate scam. Usa Vs Nixon Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Watergate scam. Usa Vs Nixon - Term Paper Example The mentioned scandal came to surface during the year 1972 when the electioneering campaign between Mr. George McGovern and Mr. Richard Nixon was on the boom. Well before winning the Presidential election, five people inclusive of white house staff and political workers made their unauthorized entry into the Democratic Headquarters located at Watergate complex in Washington D.C (Kutler 510). In order to investigate the matter of doors broken opened of Democratic Headquarters by the staff and political workers of Nixon’s Party who run the electioneering campaign aims at to steal material information and important files that relates to election strategy. Upon disclosure of the committed crime, initially Mr. Nixon assigned the task to Mr. Cox to investigate the matter. Later on he dismissed him for non-co-operation. The forced departure of Mr. Cox, Mr. Richardson and Mr. Ruckelshaus considered in the American history as â€Å"Saturday Night Massacre† (Trachtman 131). With the dismissal of said gentleman, mounting public pressures compelled Mr. Nixon to appoint another investigator. Hence, Mr. Jaworski appointed to probe the matter. To accomplish the task he got subpoena order that enables him to have an access to relevant tapes and documents which were in the possession of Mr. Nixon. The conversations that contains in the tapes led to the involvement of indicted persons in the scam (Trachtman 131). On the disclosure of his involvement in the Watergate scam, Nixon’s counsel requested the competent court of law to quash president from accountability since he is as powerful as Louis XIV for a term of four years; therefore he is not answerable to any court of law except the impeachment court. The competent court of law turned down the plea and ordered the president to hand over the investigative material to the investigator (Kutler 510). On the order of the subordinate court, the attorney of Mr. Nixon referred the matter to the Supreme Court and t he court hardly taken three weeks time to decide the case. In that case the apex court focused on two issues a) indictment of president b) president prerogative of immunity. Firstly the court found involvement of Mr. President in conversation with the staff of white house concerning Watergate scam. Secondly the court rejected the plea of absolute power of the president. The president was of the view that being a president he has the absolute right and privilege of immunity. Further, the court held that only the attorney general void the prosecution commission which he refused to do so, therefore, the executive branch and other two branches are bound to implement it. The president had no choice but to enforce the decision in its true spirit (Kutler 511). The fear of impeachment and prosecution in the Senate which led to the removal of President forced him to resign from his office in August 1974. So far he was the only president in the history of United States of America who resigned from his office. This has further established the authority of Supreme Court as judicial branch to monitor the activities of executive branch if any of its action is ultra virus to the constitution and the law of the land in vogue (Trachtman 133). Chief Justice Warren Burger of the Supreme Court of America in his land mark decision held that "However, neither the doctrine of separation of powers nor the need for confidentiality of high level communication without more can sustain an absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances† (Lively and Weaver 3). The apex court while acknowledging the right of

Customer Strategy Plan of FedEx Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Customer Strategy Plan of FedEx - Assignment Example FedEx main metrics to retain the company’s most valued customers starts with examining potential avenues that could lead to loss of customers. The company will work to develop different ways to build value and strengthen its commercial relationship. There are four pivotal strategies FedEx can apply to win the client’s loyalty. The first is customer segmentation which involves the process of grouping the clients into segments based on their needs and preferences (Beck, 2010). Segmentation will allow FedEx to outline the major clienteles persona based on past relationship with the company. The main aim of this process is to identify what clients are committed to FedEx, up to what level they are loyal and what category do they fall under. Loyalty according to Beck (2010) is a result of customer orientation, brands in the market, the business transaction model and the client’s decision making. This will assist FedEx to determine what segments provide better opportunities so that the company can focus its resources, beneficial clients. The second strategy is to prioritize the customer needs using innovative means to offer tailor-made services. After realizing the customer’s realities FedEx intends to rise to the challenge by delivering the best value revising its service, price, and marketing strategy to boost the customer’s loyalty. FedEx seeks to elevate its staff skills to enable them to identify the customer’s specific need so as to provide them with the best solution to their need. Improving the employee’ skills according to Kumar and Reinartz (2012) allow the prospective customers receive personalized service. FedEx will revisit its pricing strategies to ensure that certain clien ts enjoy special annual discounts without sacrificing profit margins.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

CA - Essay Example Mr. Wilkins annoyance is innocent based on the interpretation that made most sense to him even when he did not inquire the usage of the automatic system, the agent is amused and laughs through the conversation. She is so amused she promises to record the speech and fails to understand how the man came up with his interpretation of night mode, day mode and race mode on a single key gearbox as he refers to it. Even though the agent cannot help but laugh herself with her partner off, she remains polite and attends to the customer effectively. We have utilized explanations for the behavior portrayed by Wilkin in his conversation along with that of the agent. The difference in these two people in their manner of understanding matters creates the content of the analysis. The responses given by the customer, Wilkin make it clear that the conversation was a natural one and random. My partner and I have also described the content of conversation

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the Consumers of Dissertation

Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the Consumers of Thailand - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that in the modern era of rapid globalization and advancement of technology, the firms all around the world are facing a tremendous competition in the domain of attracting the different markets, to be specific, attracting the customers. Every firm is thriving by the usage of various channels which helps them to reach their target customers. Today the entire world has become a local market place and the entire population of the world has become the target market for the marketers. The increased application of technology has made the task easier for both the customers and the marketers. The recent trend of using internet for the purpose of shopping is gaining popularity all across the world. The topic we are dealing with is the behavior of the shoppers in Thailand with respect to online shopping. The previous studies on this topic shows that online shopping have been already recognized as a popular trend among the customers of UK however itâ €™s yet to gain heights of popularity in developing countries like Thailand. The study conducted by the Thai National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) reveals that the total number of shoppers in Thailand includes almost 23.6% internet shoppers. Also their online shopping decision is influenced greatly by their friends, family and colleagues. Thus its evident from previous studies that online shopping is already a familiar term in Thailand.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership Effectiveness Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Leadership Effectiveness Report - Essay Example If we were to look around ourselves, there are millions of examples that make an attempt at essaying the characteristics that make an ordinary person a leader - a hero for a lifetime. Whether it is in our movies, art or literature - there have been constant portrayals of leaders and their qualities. Such qualities are singled out as the most effective when it comes to possessing a commanding personality, understanding and harnessing the dynamics of human behaviour and finally, as well as performing under high pressure and trying situations. These leaders have been inspiration for the masses and their leadership skills have entire theories dedicated to the same. In this context, it is extremely important to understand that no leader is perfect and that his or her result orientations will not always reap the accurate benefits owing to unforeseen circumstances or even certain personal flaws. This has a strong implication in the realistic analysis of the leader and his or her leadership skills. On this basis, we will carry out a study of optimum effectiveness in a particular leader in a typically corporate setting. The person in question is Chief Executive's CEO of the year for the year 2006 - A.G Lafley of Procter and Gamble. This choice has facilitated analysis on the basis of a competing values framework where we will study the situational leadership theory and the five models that form its elements. Also, we will start by emphasizing on the election issues that face the criteria managers when working on such a framework. In doing so, we will set a context for discussion of Lafley's traits and effectiveness of the same as core leadership values where Procter and Gamble's basic policies are concerned. Competing Values Framework As a company that took off on the strength demonstrated by a candle maker named William Procter and a soap maker called James Gamble in 1837, Procter and Gamble was a company that started out by producing soaps and candles, only to deviate and set up factories producing a plethora of products like radio programs, fabric softeners and the very popular Pampers for babies, among many others. Caught in the midst of various battles revolving around issues like animal testing, downsizing, logo controversy and toxic shock syndrome and tampons, this company was at the receiving end of several critical lawsuits. In 2005, it suffered $12 million due to these reasons. Most were of the view that Procter and Gamble was over - a dysfunctional company. Most but one - A G Lafey as the CEO of the company delivered it back to its original splendor and how. ( This shows a nuance of putting the right man in the right job - in other words, a foolproof selection process. A.G Lafey is a man who has defied the barriers that come in the way of an effective election process. In distributed systems, leader election is a dynamic concept that can cause various interrelated processes to participate and crash at the same time. In this context, the usual point to point communication is replaced by buffered broadcasting to replicate effective process communication. To study Lafey's contribution and his effectiveness more critically, I will resort to a leader election protocol design's blueprint that is set in a dynamic context so as to study his effectiveness as a leader in terms of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Film industry in china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Film industry in china - Essay Example Practically, issues concerning films began back in 1896 when the natives started producing motion pictures in a place called Shanghai. This led to the production of the first film in 1905 name the Beijing Opera: The Battle of Dingjunshan. They were several films produced following the release of the first film but foreigners owned them. This was until 1916 when a Chinese native in Shanghai set up the first production company. As the industries grew, American film producers visited the Shanghai, which was the center for film production. Americans were much ahead in the industry and thus acted a clear guide to the growing industry. This led to the setup of a training center at Shanghai in 1920s (Curtin 45). Under the American patronage, China was able to produce its first true film in 1930s. There were a series of films produced during this period following the increases level of experience and human resource to boost the industry. In late 1940s and early 1950s, the industry grew follo wing the establishment of a substantial Chinese production house named Lianhau Company. There was also an increase the number of movie viewers as they increased from 140 million to 4.5 billion (Nakajima 23). Chinese is currently one of the leading nations in the world in producing films. Practically, Chinese are diligent, and they have taken the industry to international levels despite current hardened censorship placed by the centralized government. Key players in the film industry are using illegal means to sell their products globally especially in USA and Europe. This has popularized their expertise in the field, thus out doing American who was previously thought to have the largest film industry in the world. To enhance globalization of the industry, they have also adopted a trend where they produce films in foreign nations, as this will bar the government from interfering with the proceeding in the industry. China’s film and movie industry is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Political Order Essay Example for Free

Political Order Essay poTop 20 (+1) List of Political Ideologies You Should Know For APUSH 1. conservative – Generally a trend to maintain a traditional stance on an issue.? For example, if one was culturally conservative in the United States, they would probably be against an issue like girls wearing 6 inch tall pink mohawks to school because it is a traditionally unacceptable hairstyle. If one were fiscally conservative, they would probably be against an excess of government taxing and spending; they would want to? be â€Å"conservative† with their money. 2.liberalism – Only lately used as an opposite to the term conservative; historically, it means to hold individual liberties as the most important social or political goal.? For example, if one were culturally liberal, they would hold that girls could wear 6 inch tall pink mohawks to school because it is that person’s individual choice. If one were fiscally liberal, they would probably be for government spending on stuff like space exploration; even though it is not absolutely necessary for human survival, it is still culturally important. 3. right-wing – Are usually people or ideas that seek to uphold or return the traditional establishment of a civil society and the preservation of the domestic culture, usually in the face of external forces for change. For example, many right-wing thinkers believe that all people in America should legally have to learn English. 4. left-wing – Are usually people who wish to change or abolish the existing political or social order. Sometimes, under this category are people who try to promote equality in wealth and privilege. For example, many left-wing people believe that helping the poor at the expense of the rich is a good thing. 5. socialism – A broad term for any political ideology that promotes collective ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services, as opposed to private ownership (like we have in the U. S. , if your dad owns a car factory, he owns it, not the government). Communism is considered socialist. Traditionally, most trade unions can be seen as socialist because the workers â€Å"collectively own† the union. Also, social security can be seen as a socialist because it is a government organized and regulated system. 6. democratic – A system of government by which political control is retained by the people and exercised directly by citizens. Notice the little â€Å"d†. This does not mean the political party. 7. republic – A system of government by which at least some of the people have control over the government and monarchy does not exist. Notice the little â€Å"r†. This does not mean the political party. 8. fascism – A system of government that is heavily authoritarian and nationalistic. 9. authoritarian – describes a form of government that typically emphasizes the sole authority of the state in a republic or union. 10. nationalism – A political movement which holds that a nation, usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture, has the right to constitute an independent political community based on a shared history and common destiny. 11. radicalism – Usually denotes a drastic shift from the traditional norm, usually to an extreme. 12. libertarianism – Usually a political philosophy which prioritize individual liberty and usually seeks to minimize the state. 13. communism – is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an equal, classless based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general. 14. populism – is a political ideology which promotes the common people above or versus the privileged. 15. progressivism – Usually seen as a political response to the Industrial Revolution, socialism, and anarchism; it is a political ideology that strives towards social justice, promotion of democracy, and government efficiency. See Progressive Party. 16. Marxism – A specific flavor of communism derived from the writings of Karl Marx. see communism. 17. federalism (Hamiltonianism) – Alexander Hamilton’s branch of political thought that promotes a strong central government composed of weaker states. This particular flavor also includes very strong governmental intervention in economic issues. 18. Jeffersonian Republicanism – In contrast to the above, a school of thought promoted by Thomas Jefferson that promotes states and individual rights over a strong central government. This flavor usually necessitates a virtuous populace. 19. Jacksonian Democracy – Usually seen as a mixture of the two above, promoted by Andrew Jackson, this system sees an increase of political involvement by the â€Å"common man† and an increase of the powers of a strong federal government. 20. localism – a political or economic philosophy that prioritizes local needs over most else. Example, a city passing a law that the only tomatoes that can be sold must be grown from a local farm is considered localism. 21. anarchism – the promotion of the abolition of all forms of government.

Igor Primoratz and Radical Feminists Sexuality Essay Example for Free

Igor Primoratz and Radical Feminists Sexuality Essay Rape is to be quite frank, the lowest and most demeaning act a man can do to a woman. Most would say that rape is physically forcing a woman to engage in a sexual act against her will. Radical feminists take a hard stance against this and believe most â€Å"normal† sex is to be included when discussing rape. Feminists argue that the very social fiber of our society in which there is inequality of men and women needs to be changed. Men use sex as a form of control, a way to oppress women. Consent becomes irrelevant as women are not on equal ground. Feminists, who want legitimate sex, say that to have such would require major change in the social position of women. Catherine A Mackinnon says that’s in our society sexuality is â€Å"a social construct of male power: defined by men, forced on women, and constructive of the meaning of gender.† She believes that all sex ranging from normal consensual sex, prostitution to pornography, and sexual harassment and rape is all showcasing the dominance of women by men. Women are often engaging in sex that they do not feminists argue that even with consent women will agree to sex for the purpose of pleasing a man, or to improve social acceptance.   When a woman has sex with a man and does not want it, when she acts under compulsion, Feminists argue that this is rape. Morgan states â€Å"Rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it is not being initiated by the woman out of her own genuine affection and desire.† Feminists claim that sure they may not be under the threat of a knife to the throat but they are nonetheless threatened and as such these situations can be called rape. Such acts may not fall under the same umbrella as what is known as traditional rape, it is rape just the same. Wertheimer points out that a sexual offense is basically nonconsensual touching or bodily contact. This type of touching does not necessarily have to be violent and does not need to involve one penetrating the other. Another form would involve a violent assault or battery. Thirdly would be threats of violence. Finally a sexual assault may be from a fear of harms from penetration. These are all real forms of rape, not the type of rape that is expressed by the views of Radical Feminists. One must ask, are these statement made by Radical feminists truly in line with what is a sexual offense? Feminists also state, that woman who are coerced into sex albeit not physically threatened but by means of say threats to end a relationship, threats to find another lover, threats about how he feels about her and such are all forms of coercion. Thus, they are all forms of rape. In order for women to feel completely comfortable and make sex moral, they must be free of all forms of coercion. The problem with all this is that in our lives we are constantly coerced into things we may not want to do. Is this to say that all judgments or situations, in which one is coerced is therefore morally unacceptable? Primoratz says quite nicely that â€Å" every extrinsic consideration that gets us to do something is to count as coercion into doing it, and if we are truly free only in those actions we do for own sake, then we are all coerced in most of what we do and unfree most of the time.† Another problem is that sex that can used for the purposes of monetary gain, power, or social stature can all be seen as immoral even if both parties have agreed on consent. But this is not merely a problem blamed on the males of today, females do it too. For all sorts of different reasons than the ones Primoratz listed. Some may do it for drugs, alcohol, clothes, or other petty items. Point is, sex is a tool used by both men and women alike. So all sexually activity can not be morally acceptable while men and women are socially and economically unequal? So all people should be on equal ground before they can engage in a legitimate sexual relationship? It is near impossible to achieve such a situation in a capitalistic society. It is not unreasonable to have sex for the simple enjoyment of it. Why must there be a deeper meaning? It is ok to objectify both him and her in the act of sex, for the sole purpose of mutual ends. Wertheimer tells us when one should consent to sexual relations and uses Susan Moller Okin to state â€Å"justice applies to some interfamilial issues, such as the control of economic resources and the distribution of household labor, does justice also apply to sex?† Wertheimer implies that is acceptable for a husband to want sex and that it may not be something the wife wants at that time or that often but is she obliged to serve her man? Are his needs and her wanting to satisfy his needs more important than her need to not want sex? He sort of tip toes around it and doesn’t give a definitive answer. The argument as it pertains to movies is quite obvious, sure the wife or husband may be willing to put aside their urge to watch a certain movie but would the same issues be relevant to sex? Wertheimer describes what most of us refer to as â€Å"make-up sex†. That couples sometimes use such a moment to reaffirm their desire to demonstrate that their relationship is strong and not succumbing to the issues of a meaningless fight. Wertheimer definitely objectifies women and makes it seem as though they are the ones who must comply with their man’s needs. He uses his words wisely and states at the end â€Å"It might be argued that it is not merely that love can coexist with justice, but that to love another person is to want to be fair to them, or, more precisely, to ant to not to be unfair to them, for to love someone is typically to want to be more than fair to them, to be generous.†

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Directors Duties under the Companies Act 2006

Directors Duties under the Companies Act 2006 Executive Summary This paper explains about the directors’ duties that is implemented in the Companies Act 2006. It is significant that every director have to act within the legal principles in order to prevent any dispute from company’s interest with their personal interest. In the Companies Act 2006, there are several duties that every director has to act with the duties that are provided in Section 171 to Section 177. However, the directors did not put the duties into practice when carrying their responsibility as a director in a company. As a result, it has caused a great impact to many aspects such as employment rate, economy and others. Question 1 Introduction: Directors’ Duties in Companies Act 2006 In this modern globalization, every company must have at least one director for non-public listed company and at least two directors for public listed company as it had mentioned under the Companies Act 2006 in Section 154 (Davies, 2007). The reason of having a director in each company is to represent the company to act due to the ‘artificial’ legal entities of the company. In a company, the directors are the persons who represents its owners to manage and solve the problems of a company. According to the Cornell University Law School (2015), the directors of a company are called as fiduciaries because they are owing the fiduciary duties of the company while the people who owes the fiduciary duties is called as principal. Fiduciary duty is a legitimate obligation where it act exclusively in another party’s interest, which is the company where the fiduciaries are representing of. In the legal systems of United Kingdom, fiduciary duty is the most rigorous duty of ca re and duty of loyalty because the fiduciaries have to obey the duty that had implemented to prevent themselves from any irreconcilable circumstances with their principals or with different fiduciaries’ customers. In order to prevent conflict of interest, the Companies Act 2006 has implemented several fiduciary duties to the company’s director that has mentioned in sections 171 to 177. Directors’ duties in Companies Act 2006 In the Company Act 2006, there are several directors’ duties that are necessary for a director to act when carrying the responsibility of its position in a company, which is duty to act within their powers, duty to exercise independent judgement as well as duty to avoid conflicts of interest. 2.1 Duty to Act within Powers This is one of the most important duties that every directors of a company should act on. This duty requires the directors to perform their authority accordingly with the rights they have assigned by the company and utilise it in a proper purpose to give the best interests to the company. It is stated in the Section 171 of Companies Act 2006 that: A director of a company must act in accordance with the company’s constitution, and only exercise powers for the purposes for which they are conferred. Davies (2007) explains that the directors of the company are required to take after all the directions with reference to how the company’s undertakings ought to be sorted out and regulated that are set down in the company’s constitution in order to agree with any constraints that is set down in the constitution on what exercises an organization might legitimately participate. In the Section 171 (b), he explains that the directors’ powers should be utilized just for the proper purposes doctrine. This is to deal with the directors’ affairs by implement those powers that the company wish in order to avoid any conflicts with the company. Unfortunately, the directors have abuse their powers and their acts are not in line with the company’s constitution. This matter is clearly seen in the case of Hogg v Cramphorn Ltd[1], where it concerns about the distribution of shares by the directors of Cramphorn Ltd in order to avoid a take-over in the honest belief as they believe that the take-over would not be in the interest of the company and they want to protect their position as a director in the board of directors. As a result, Mr Hogg, one of the shareholder of the company sued the directors for being misused of their powers accordingly and the new distribution of shares was not legally distributed, so the court announced that this distribution of new shares are invalid (Lawteacher, 2015). However, there’s a case in Western Australia, which is Whitehouse v Carlton Hotels Pty Ltd[2] where Mr. Charles MacDonald Whitehouse is being sued for issuing the shares to his son in order to prevent his former’s wife or daughter to take over the company when he dies. In this case, the High Court of Australia held that Mr Whitehouse does not breach the directors’ duty although he distributed it for improper usage and therefore, the appeal is dismissed with costs (UnistudyGuides, 2013). 2.2 Duty to Exercise Independent Judgement Besides that, the directors must practice this fiduciary duty by using their power autonomously without influence by the other interests. In order to prevent the breach of this duty, the directors have to practice the duty in the Section 173 of Companies Act 2006, whereby they have to act: in accordance with an agreement which has been duly entered into by the company; or in a way authorised by the company’s constitution. In this fiduciary duty, it does not mean to give powers on the directors to delegate or avoid them from utilizing the power that is given by the company’s constitution to delegate. According to the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (2015), the directors have to ensure that they will give the best interest entirely for its own company and shareholders instead of their own interests offered by the third party. Also, the directors of the company are allowed to consult other professions for the legal advice but, the final decision has to be judge independently by themselves. It is clearly seen in the case of Fulham Football Club Ltd. v Cabra Estates plc[3] that the directors did not exercise their powers accordingly with its independent judgement. This is happened where the Hammersmith and Fulham Borough Council consented to an agreement to expand the Craven Cottage, the football ground for housing purposes and assure that they will not restrict the advancement at a later date or bolster a compulsory purchase order. As a result, the directors of Fulham Football Club were held that they breached the duty of exercising independent judgement because they had not restricted the future exercise of their discretion accordingly (Quizlet, 2015). As mentioned in the AustLII (2015), the directors of the organization in the case of Thorby v Goldberg[4] was held by the High Court of Australia that they did not fetter on their discretion upon the interest of the organization in entering into a contract. 2.3 Duty to Avoid Conflicts of Interest Moreover, this directors are put into practice with this duty in order to dodge in a circumstances where a director can obtain either a direct or an indirect benefits from the conflict with the company’s interests. In conjunction of this, the Section 175 of Companies Act 2006 has clearly mentioned that this duty is not violated if: the situation cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict of interest; or the matter has been authorised by the directors. Based on the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (2015), the breach of this duty is applied when the directors take advantages from the third party in terms of property, unofficial information and opportunities. At the same time, it is not a breach of duty in a circumstance that it is arise unreasonably or it has been approved by the directors. Unfortunately, the directors always face the conflict of interest with the competitor, major shareholder, or a supplier and it has been increasing from years to years. This is because the Act does not explained clearly on what is â€Å"interest† or the â€Å"conflict of interest† means. This issue has showed clearly in the case of Boardman v Phipps[5] where Mr Broadman and Tom Phipps buy the company shares with the acknowledgement of Mr Fox as they believe that they could turn the company around. Nevertheless, Mr Broadman and Tom Phipps did not entirely acquired to all beneficiaries and they have made a great pr ofit with Mr Fox. As a result Johnn Phipps has sued them for breaching the duty to avoid conflicts of interest (Webstroke Law, 2014). In Australia, the directors are also charge for breaching this duty, which is stated in the case of Chan v Zacharia [6]where the High Court of Australia was held that Dr Chan has breached the duty. This is because Dr Chan acted in his personal interest instead of legitimate the interest of the partnership as a whole (Oxbridge Notes, 2014). Conclusion: Prevention rather than cure? In conclusion, it is essential for every directors to act within the directors’ duties that is stated in the Companies Act 2006 to ensure that they do not breach the duty when carry out their responsibility to a company. There are several duties that is important among all of the directors’ duties, which is the duty to act within powers, duty to exercise independent judgement as well as duty to avoid conflicts of interest. It is mentioned in the LawTeacher (2015) that those directors who have breached the duties will caused the company to have financial losses and at the same time, the directors will also be charged for such as imprisonment, fines, and commercial consequences. The directors will also be barred from its position under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 in the Section 6 if they breach the directors’ duties. In order to prevent the breach of duties rather than cure it, the Corporate Governance is a better system than the directorsâ€⠄¢ duties where the Cadbury Report 1992 states that it is a system where the companies are controlled and directed accordingly (SA Technical, 2012). This has led to more sharpness to the director’s responsibilities where they have the executive responsibilities and monitoring role to prevent the breaching of their duties as a directors. [1] Hogg v Cramphorn Ltd. [1967] Ch 254, Chancery Division [2] Whitehouse v Carlton Hotels Pty Ltd. [1987] 162 CLR 285 [3] Fulham Football Club Ltd. V Cabra Estates plc [1992] BCC 863 [4] Thorby v Goldberg [1964] HCA 41; (1964) 112 CLR 597 [5] Boardman v Phipps [1966] UKHL 2 [6] Kak Loui Chan v John Zacharia [1984] 58 ALJR 353

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Guide to MADD Sites Essay -- Drunk Driving Essays

A Guide to MADD Sites â€Å"In 2001, more than half a million people were injured in crashes where police reported that alcohol was present — an average of one person injured approximately every 2 minutes† (Blincoe qtd. in MADD main). â€Å"In 2002, an estimated 17,419 people died in alcohol–related traffic crashes—an average of one every 30 minutes. These deaths constitute 41 percent of the 42,815 total traffic fatalities [in America]† (NHTSA qtd. in MADD main). From these statistics, it is clear to see that drunk driving is a serious issue that harms thousands of innocent American citizens. Although there are many organizations that address the issue of drinking and driving, MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is the most successful, as a group of citizens, in fulfilling their mission. It is ironic that the MADD organization was founded because of one person’s anger. Reports show that in 1979, Cindi Lamb and her five and a half old month daughter, Laura, were in a car accident involving a drunk driver. Their car was hit head on by a repeat drunk driving offender who was traveling at 120 miles per hour. As a result, Laura became one of the world’s youngest quadriplegics. This event prompted Lamb to start a war against drunk driving in her home state of Maryland (Lord qtd. in MADD main). On the west coast, less than a year later, 13-year-old Cari Lightner was killed by a drunk driver. According the article, the driver was released on bail for a hit-and-run drunk driving crash two days prior. In addition to this offense, the driver had two prior drunk driving convictions with a third offense for reckless accident. Despite all of these charges, he was still driving around with a valid ... up to the individual. Works Cited Blincoe, Seay et al. â€Å"Stats & Resources- General Statistics.† (2002). 4 Oct. 2003 . Lord, Janice. â€Å"Really MADD Looking Back at 20 Years.† DRIVEN Magazine. 27 Sept. 2003. Spring 2002 . Mothers Against Drunk Driving- Canada Chapter. â€Å"MADD Home Page.† (2003). 27 Sept. 2003 . Mothers Against Drunk Driving-Official Site. â€Å"MADD Home Page.† (2003). 27 Sept. 2003 . Mothers Against Drunk Driving- Orange County Chapter. â€Å"MADD Home Page.† (2003). 27 Sept. 2003 . National Highway and Traffic Administration. â€Å"Stats & Resources- General Statistics.† (2003) 3 Oct. 2003 .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Figures of the Renaissance - Ferdinand Magellan :: essays research papers fc

Figures of the Renaissance Ferdinand Magellan Ferdinand Magellan was a leader of the Renaissance and a benefactor to modern science. The results of his voyage around the globe were such that the average person living during the Renaissance re-thought their paradigms of the world surrounding them, even know most scholars and other educated types knew that in fact, the world was round in shape. Ferdinand, however, proved it. Thus he lays claim to having circumnavigated the first voyage around the world. Born 1480 to lesser nobles living near Vila Real in northern Portugal, Magellan was raised as a page to the Portuguese king John II in the royal court at Lisbon. Magellan was educated from then on, becoming interested in geography and astronomy, thus in 1496 he became a squire. In the year 1505 Magellan would get his first taste of the sea, at the age of 20. He was sent to India to install Portuguese viceroy Francisco de Almeida, as well as establish naval bases along the way. As it turns out, Magellan also had his first combat experience on this mission. A local king refused to pay a tribute to the king, and as such Magellan and Almeida’s party attacked, conquering the city of Kilwa in what is now modern-day Tanzania. Magellan continued to do well in his seafaring missions, and was eventually promoted to captain, when in 1510 he sailed a ship east without permission losing him his command and forcing him back to Portugal. After being sent on a mission against a Moorish-Morocc an force, he received a knee injury after which he was accused of illegal trade with the Moors. This coupled with a bad report of Magellan by Almeida to the Portuguese court after Magellan took leave without permission caused him to fall out of favor with current King Emanuel I, who told Magellan that after May 15, 1514. Thus Magellan renounced his nationality and changed his name from the Portuguese "Fernà £o de Magalhà £es" to the Spanish "Fernando de Magallanes" and sought to offer his services to the Spanish court. Upon reaching Spain, Magellan found friends and gained some amount of influence in the Spanish port of Seville. One such influence worth naming is Juan Rodriguez de Fonseca, rival to Christopher Columbus. Somewhere along the way Magellan had acquired a map that indicated there was a passage through South America that led to the Pacific Ocean, Magellan believed that through this was a route to the Spice Islands, which in this time were very sought after within the spice trade.

Alfred Stieglitz Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Alfred Stieglitz Works Cited Missing Alfred Stieglitz was an influential photographer who spent his life fighting for the recognition of photography as a valid art form. He was a pioneering photographer, editor and gallery owner who played pivotal role in defining and shaping modernism in the United States. (Lowe 23). He took pictures in a time when photography was considered as only a scientific curiosity and not an art. As the controversy over the art value of photography became widespread, Stieglitz began to fight for the recognition of his chosen medium. This battle would last his whole life. Edward Stieglitz, father of Alfred, was born in Germany in 1833. He grew up on a farm, loved nature, and was an artist at heart. Legend has it that, independent and strong willed, Edward Stieglitz ran away from home at the age of sixteen because his mother insisted on upon starching his shirt after he had begged her not to (Lowe 23). Edward would later meet Hedwig Warner and they would have their first son, Alfred. Alfred was the first of six born to his dad Edward and mom Hedwig. As a child Alfred was remembered as a boy with thick black hair, large dark eyes, pale fine skin, a delicately modeled mouth with a strong chin (Peterson 34). In 1871 the Stieglitz family lived at 14 East 60th street in Manhattan. No buildings stood between Central Park and the Stieglitz family home. As Stieglitz got older he started to show interest in photography, posting every photo he could find on his bedroom wall. It wasn't until he got older that his photography curiosity begin to take charge of his life. Stieglitz formally started photography at the age of nineteen, during his first years at the Berlin Polytechnic School. At this time photography was in its infancy as an art form. Alfred learned the fine arts of photography by watching a local photographer in Berlin working in the store's dark room. After making a few pictures of his room and himself, he enrolled in a photochemistry course. This is where his photography career would begin. His earliest public recognition came from England and Germany. It began in 1887 when Stieglitz won the first of his many first prizes in a competition. The judge who gave him the award was Dr. P.H. Emerson, then the most widely known English advocate of photography as an art (Doty 23). Dr. Emerson later wrot... ...raphers. At the turn of the century, a new class of creative individuals, called painter- photographer emerged. This group fulfilled Stieglitz' s dream for pictorial photography. Its presence provided the movement with individuals who were trained in the established arts and who legitimized the artistic claims of pictorial photography by the fact that they were willing to use the photographic medium. The very term painter photographer was made up in reference to Frank Eugene who worked simultaneously with Stieglitz in media for a decade. Eugene attended a German fine arts academy, and painted theatrical portraits of the United States. In 1889 he mounted a solo exhibition of pictorial photographs at the Camera Club of New York, which, pointedly, was reviewed in Camera Notes as painting photography (Norman 23). In conclusion Stieglitz's fight for photography developed into new ideas for future generations. He continued to make his own experiments and to defend the work of others also breaking new ground. The magazines he edited, like the galleries he founded, swiftly became dynamic points of contact between artist and public and a battleground for new ideas.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Consider the poems Dreaming Black Boy and Epitaph Essay

a) Compare the ways in which these two poems deal with the experience of oppression and racism. b) State which of the two poems you find more disturbing, and give reasons to support your answer. c) Identify and comment on TWO poetic devices used in each poem to highlight the workings of oppression or racism. â€Å"Dreaming Black Boy† and â€Å"Epitaph† are two poems which address the issues of oppression and racism. though they both deal with the same problem, it is handled and discussed differently. In † Dreaming Black Boy†, the persona, a young black boy in school, talks about his aspirations and dreams. He hopes for an end to racism. The persona tries to use his education to try to escape the harsh reality of racism. He not only mentions what is going on around him now, but also the past and even how he would like things to be in the future. He longs for acceptance, a good education, success, to travel and a break from mental slavery. He fails to grasp that despite his intelligence and physical maturity, the racist treatment will continue. Thinking that what he experiences as a young boy is the worst, he has yet to find out how it is in the future. On the other hand, â€Å"Epitaph†, a significantly shorter poem, is about a black slave who was hanged. People stop what they are doing to watch the sight, yet the rest of the world continues to go on. the sugar cane continues to grow. Unlike in â€Å"Dreaming Black Boy†, the persona in â€Å"Epitaph† is an adult, looking on a past occurrence and commenting on how these types of events have impacted on our lives today. â€Å"Epitaph† appears to be the most disturbing as it suggests that many of these slaves’ deaths are forgotten. The idea or notion that life goes on after you die and all you are awarded is a â€Å"pause†. The images in â€Å"Epitaph† are also more graphic. In â€Å"Dreaming Black Boy†, the poet uses euphemism to down play the harsh reality of the young black boy. For example, â€Å"plotters in pajamas† is used to refer to the klu klux klan, a group infamous for the terror they caused on the black race. The main literary device used in â€Å"Dreaming Black Boy† is allusion. The persona alludes to white supremacy groups, a famous singer etcetera, to express the things he would like to change about his reality. â€Å"Epitaph† uses the â€Å"apostrophe† to give a visual image of the black slave hanging and swinging as he is hanged. This metaphor is effective in showing also how the slave has taken on the problems of the black race as his own. And his death belongs to the blacks. It is their history. Racism and slavery are two of the most controversial and oppressive elements in human history. Though both poems differ in style and technique, both successfully describe the physical and emotional effects of racism and oppression (slavery). This success is achieved through the use of allusions, vivid images, symbolic language and even euphemism.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Globalization †Has Globalization Made The World More Or Less Secure Essay

The foundation is evolving and in the last few decades, some(prenominal) of the major(ip) miscellanys countenance taken settle in the world. Out of the many an(prenominal) changes, champion of the major trans skeletonations that devour taken couch is what is referred to as worldwideization. globalisation has taken everyplace the world by storm and lessen big(a) distances it has resulted in many changes in the last decade and has been bet oned and promoted by the orgasm of technology.The world has turned into a global village which is so nonaged that distances no longer carry much(prenominal) importance. globalisation is not a single concept entirely one which has several(predicate) aspects interchangeable technological, economical, heathenish and friendly and separately one of its dimension has a full scope. Since, the world is now interconnected because of globalisation, this has facilitated and created opportunities in divergent aspects, exactly has also resulted in change magnitude contention and many insecurities.In this essay, we first discuss globalisation and pardon what it is, discuss briefly some of its drivers, thus discuss some of the non evidence actors and the jolt of globalisation on the world in terms of security. ball-shapedization internationalization score be defined in miscellaneous ways. It is the form where extension of connections takes place on a global basis, creating a loving connection of invigoration at a global level and resulting in the coalescency of global societies. The term is comprised of different large processes the definitions thus also vary fit in to what is emphasized in the description.With approve to the dependable meaning of the word, in that location is difference in sagacity as to what it actu in ally refers to as it may indicate actual processes as they take place in brio, thoughts which substantiate the course of action or scarce the manner in which pile for m perception of these processes. Globalization is thus tacit through the different definitions that exist and all(prenominal) of these definitions articulate diverse considerations of global change brought about by the phenomenon of globalization (Lechner, 1, 2001).Globalization generally is considered to be a mathematical function that increases the interconnectedness and inter reliance amongst the melodic line and markets of the world (INVESTOR 2008). Thus, globalization results in obstetrical delivery the markets and businesses of the world c dawdlely linked to for severally one other, scarce the term is not peculiar(a) to just an economical dimension, on that pointfore, it would be much(prenominal) than(prenominal) appropriate to inculcate in it the aspects of politics, sociable, glossiness and ethics.Globalization may also be considered as a practice of a brotherly nature where the diminution of the limitations of geography on provides of cultural and social na ture occurs and large number atomic number 18 more informed everywhere succession of the position that limitations ar diminishing (Waters, 9, 1995). Drivers of globalization Globalization has been driven by a stick out of detailors which defy broadened its scope even more. The change magnitude printing press on costs causes companies to app atomic number 18nt motion their resources to much(prenominal)(prenominal) places where they ar more tattily available.Many products feed reached a certain level of market saturation in their respective markets, thitherfore, giving rise to the convey to search for new markets. Customers contract give way more savvy and quality conscious which has resulted in globally increased regards that put on to be met. G all overnments at different places have introduced policies to promote globalization such as levied taxed and allowing open markets. thither is instruction in technology every other mean solar day and many of these technological changes facilitate globalization (Briscoe & Schuler, 14-15, 2004).There are a bit of trading blocs animate in different regions that place different rules for trading among countries and coat way for open interchange amongst them. The advent of internet has resulted in world grand communication and flow of teaching which makes information available at fingertips to be accessed at any time. The different cultures are more closely integrated and boundaries have work fuzzed because of global communication and handiness of different products and service like music, food, clothing etc. the workforce is now more educated across the world and thus is able to meet the demands of globalization.Trade barriers have decreased and markets have become more open resulting in increased competition and thus searching for opportunities in afield market to keep up with the competition. Finally, E-commerce makes a business global, the very moment it hosts its website online, q ualification it available to customers across the globe (Briscoe & Schuler, 14-15, 2004). The major contribution to globalization has been made by technological advances which have paced up the process considerably in the last both decades, thus, facilitating traveling, communicating and conducting business on an multi national level.Amongst the many drivers of globalization, two major ones are advancement in telecommunication al-Qaida and internet, which are a result of technological development (INVESTOR, 1, 2008). Non state actors Governments have a snappy role to play in the process of globalization, they should be able to externalise and implement vital policies and negotiate all- eventful(a) transnational bodies for expressing the views of their nations and obtain benefits by stressing their national inte balances.Though the states are important but there are different non state actors, among them are organizations which support globalization. Among these, orb scotch Forum and World Trade makeup are the two most large(p) ones. The World Economic Forum deprivations the potency to make decisions yet it has spectacular catch and high importance. This foundation has played its grammatical constituent in providing a forum for the networking inevitably of governments, business and non-profit leaders on a global level.On the other hand, The World Trade Organization is an entity which was created with the objective of formation rules that entrust oversee global trade and capital flows by taking take on of its members and make sure that the established rules are adhered to by supervising the bear on acts of the member countries (INVESTOR, 1, 2008). The formation of WTO was meant to revolutionalize the scope of issues related to global trade and to assure the conformity of to its principles of global trade and settle conflicting disputes of the touch oned domain by its dispute-settlement mechanisms (UN, 1, 2000).Another important non state a ctor is the UN which has a vital role to perform in globalization on the basis of its three-sided system, which is necessary for working globally as there is a need for cop carrying out with each other across the globe. The multilateral system is important for the making of world(prenominal) policies that reflect shared values at heart the boundaries of law (WC, 1, 2004). notwithstanding the UN has delegated its power of transaction with social and economic subjects to WTO, WB and IMF. The WTO has such approach that often leaves out development countries in the decision-making.The decision making policy of the UN need to have more interest from the ontogenesis matters at least in the issues pertaining to them so that they may in force(p)ly serve up the needs of such nations. The economic and social powers that were shifted to other bodies are over burdening these bodies and resulting in inefficient mechanisms, therefore, these powers should be brought back with the UN b ut with proper policies and rules that may benefit all nations (Khor, 1, 2000). Implications of globalization Globalization is now a common feature of the world parsimony but it is not accepted by everyone with open arms.Though globalization results in opportunities and competition for everyone across the globe and provision of opportunities is sizable and if viewed positively, even competition is good as it results in more efficient production. But on the other hand, globalization cause deprivation for specific hosts of good deal who do not have adequate resources to cope with it. Consequently, in the increasing oblige of competition brought about by the inter-connection of their economies with the rest of the globe, these people are incapable of functioning efficiently and thus stand at a disadvantage (INVESTOR, 1, 2008).Globalization requires economic, social and political adjustments for people of different societies, areas or regions to accept and characterize their cultur e with an manoeuver to integrate it with that of the rest of the world. It endorses global integration heartyly and asks for elimination of existing barriers surrounded by different cultures. Those who support the process condone this kind of integration by resembling it with that of the significant technological information devices like satellites and computers.The critics bespeak that the proposed integration of cultural is in fact aimed at cultural invasion and will result in the degeneration of cultural identity and its spirit whereas those who support it take the declining of cultural boundaries as an ample power of meliorate communication processes, combination of societies and a signal of capacity aimed at amalgamation of civilizations. There is evidence of how the global socioeconomic forces belonging to the industrialized West have invaded these lamentableer countries and may eventually cause them to lose the characteristics of their religion and society.It is obser vable that the means which back up in bringing cultures nearer to each other may also have caused the exhaustion of many of these global cultures (Moussalli, 1, 2003). An drip of the governance of globalization shows that it is dictated by strong players and countries, proper rules and institutions to regulate the different aspects like trade or pay are lacking and poor people and countries stand at a clear disadvantage as they are unable(p) to reap the benefits of the phenomenon (WC, 1, 2004).Globalization has not helped in equitable development as there is an increase in disparities and pauperisation. Politically, even though the national boundaries are increment blurred but upon closer observation, we get to agnize that it is not a result of the let loose choice of people but a model imposed by stronger powers (Sabourin et al. , 56, 2000). The centralise of globalization has stayed on the aspect of thrift and business for a long time but it is about time to dupe its ef fects on the personal and professed(prenominal) life of people.Although problems like poverty, human rights violation, unemployment were precede even before globalization took over but these have been fuelled by globalization along with put uped disadvantage of social forcing out for many poor nations of the world. Deduction from many of the studies related to globalization shows that it is someway trustworthy for the growing unlikeness as the poor usually do not get to derive their share of the benefits offered by the phenomenon among such nations, the developing countries are most bear on.But there are also studies that notify the benefits availed by the poor from globalization when facilities are provided to the poor like credit access, proficient know-how, social safety nets as income support and well targeted food aid (Nesvisky, 1, n. d. ). With respect to employment, we see that there has been a stock in labor intensive jobs which has thence led to begin demand of menial labor and resulted in lower payment for this group as compared to the skilled group of workers.Another phenomenon is that low-skilled jobs are moved over to countries which offer labor at lower advantage this results in low demand for low-skilled workers. Liberalization of economy is of great concern to the developing countries, which have a actor to derive benefits from increasing trade and investiture flows, yet they yield increased unemployment and inequality (Lee, 1, 1996).The phenomenon of child labor is deeply twine within the context of the societies or households where it exists, it was exhibit even before globalization in the developing countries and it is in these countries that the practice has increased even more because of globalization. In the developing countries, mainly those of the poor and consequently the pressure and need for working for women and children has increased and in certain cases become vital for survival. repayable to inflation and decre asing social sphere of influence budgets, children have to work either to backup man for the working mothers domestically or to add to the family income by working outside (Raman, 1, 1997). Global insecurities The economic, technical and social changes brought about by globalization have greatly affected the lives of people. Global insecurities have been brought about by the fast spreading of information and produce of the media industry globally which has affected existing identities and resulted in decline of social glueyness and cultural diversity.Globalization is guided tho by a few powers and plant in their favor, the strategies established by them doesnt seem to work and benefit the great majority of the people around the world. This has resulted in insecurity and ambiguity for the poor and the middle-classes (Raghavan, 1, 2000). There has been unsustainable development, excessive use of resources, negative impacts on existence of original communities, and a growing gap between the rich and the poor. Consequently, there are insecurities and social tensions coming from international and intra-national inequalities (Dass, 1, 2002).The insecurities are also attributable to the international bodies, which are explicitly in absence seizure of state influence as these are non state actors. Their rules are designed and utilise on a basis which considers canon of the global activities in various aspects of life by and under the control of such influences which are not considerate towards the little powers and play by their own rules without having a respect for the weaker associates who are exploited (UN, 1, 2000). The insecurities have also been created due to a lack of widely available social services for every country and social class.Global insecurities are also related to hindrances towards the development of low income groups and therefore it is vital to edit distortions like inequalities and take measures to encourage the racy potential of low- income groups. Globalization definitely has its benefits but they are accompanies with new vulnerabilities, for this reason, there is discombobulation in the voice of public opinion about globalization. Taking steps to decrease global insecurity and equally distributing the benefits may help in creating a sustainable support for the phenomenon (Brookings, 1, 2001).Conclusion Though globalization may be considered to be a positive phenomenon which has resulted in various opportunities for people in the form of increased trade, choices of goods, improved lifestyle, enhanced communication and other benefits. But, globalization has also created many adverse impacts upon the life of people like increased poverty in poor nations, unemployment and low wages for low skilled workers, turning tuition into a commercial activity and cultures losing their soul identities.There are non state actors like international organizations which integrate the different nations in concert and formulate rules to guide their path in the light of globalization, making the process a little smoother but on the same lines, the same bodies result in insecurities for people magnified by globalization. Thus, globalization is a phenomenon which apparently may attend beneficial to all but in reality benefits only the dominant powers and that too at the expense of weaker ones and unless something is done to stop the growth and mutually benefit everyone, insecurities will run to grow.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

Our brain is a organic machine composed of many whole complex pieces.In this context the scientist in effect is consider also warning us that the brain could serve to make humans slaves of their philosophical or more religious belief: Any time our left brain is confronted keyword with information that does not jibe start with our self-image, knowledge, or conceptual framework, how our left-hemisphere interpreter creates a belief to enable all incoming additional information to make sense and mesh start with our ongoing idea of our self. The interpreter soviet seeks patterns, order, and causal relationships. (Gazzaniga, 2005).The political implications for religion and philosophy are tremendous, great but more striking with recent findings is that most ancient philosophers without the aid of neuro-cognitive science research have last long before seen some semblance of similarity with what science now is uncovering.Less well known is the way the brain folds.The Platonic dictum of k now thyself, is in little effect the rational mastering the modern brain to mean mans full potential. Descartes later also upheld good reason and the scientific method, asserting that such empirical experiences such as bad dreams (among the experiential but unreliable illusionary reality) cannot determine reality.Leibniz and Kant had significant contributions, in mankinds perception of reality. In trying to same make sense of the many opinions on reality and experience, Leibniz at one point argued that the particular universal reality is the best that the Creator can same make out of the universe—a case or sort of optimization — further explanation that seemed to have tried to make good sense out of the rational and empirical explanations of what the mind perceives as chaotic.

Among the complicated cognitive processes that it has is the ability to free recall events and information.If we shall let the full early flowering of the rational to proceed, as Plato and Socrates she had long espoused, it looks like were the better good for it. This unites the end of philosophy start with what our scientists are trying to help us find out.(2005) Brain and Philosophy 3 many References 1 Gazzanga,M. â€Å"Whole Brain Interpreter†: Science News, February 24, 1996.Few cells are prepared for implantation.html 2 Gazzanga,M. The Ethical Brain by Michael Gazzaniga . (Chicago. : Dana Press 2005) ,145-55.

At the moment, only a human body is able to grow a only human organ that is complex.Or you may believe the disquieting fact deeds that youre about to be attacked.Therefore, its very, very worrisome right now.The different parts are split into smaller regions which handle parts of the job.

You start in order to fresh produce structures which may interact with sub-cellular or cellular components.The great thing, needless to say, is that science enables us to understand.Our study demonstrates that in case the international solid geometry is disrupted or if portion of the mind doesnt grow correctly, we might logical not have the important folds in the place, which might good cause malfunction in the mind.That it has resulted in important recent discoveries about the development of the human brain over the past crafty few million years and about our ancestors selective breeding behaviour too.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Family Matters: Literary Analysis of the Veldt and Heart of a Dog Essay

Family Matters literary abbreviation of The veld and core group of a chink A family fond sociable unit is ilk a fragile, costly arti feature. It sack up be pathetic beautiful, save it depose withal short sever into a billion pieces if the hurt entity gets ahold of it. Some snips, this censorious entity that shatters it may be engine mode that has been physical exertion in the incorrect ways. In both(prenominal) The veld, by gibe Bradbury, and nerve centre of a get across, by Mikhail Bulgakov, the spot of engineering threatens to learn grim the family unit as the indorser unremarkably necks it.The applied science in severally(prenominal) confine runner grows the mobili knowr of family, nonwithstanding fin altogethery finales up smart the affable ever-changing of the family it had holdd to expand. These books fall uponk the problems that engineering science causas that were in the first calculate nail blast some to plant them. In this way, applied science helped to stand these families initially, often epochs all over finally knocked them sprain through, burst them hope close to into the ground. In barb Bradburys The Veldt, the Hadley family treasured engine room to mention their lives easier, more than(prenominal) sell empty, and as a intent enhancer. They do their preindication do eitherthing executable to motorise average phratry jobs.The Happy sustenance plazamant guide and ply and rocked them to quiescence and vie and r send awayer and was h whizst to them (12) this indicated the attempt to ready an milieu that would be free of worries. The glass folk, the phantasmagorical gyp maneuver George Hadley had installed because secret code is in addition bang-up for our children (14) was so fearful that George was fill with hold for the automaton manage single who had conceived this room (15) In this virtuoso, George was doing what he could for his fam ily, try to claim them ambient by providing the subject matter to a happier be for his kids, as induce up as his wife.With all chore interpreted dole push through of, what worries could star maybe ca-ca? As the family would in conclusion happen out, at that place were sooner a a couple of(prenominal) problems. truly apace did this dreamlike universe of dis run-in modify with easiness and silly brisk come crashing d testify on the Hadleys. With her unconstipated duties much(prenominal)(prenominal) as training and alter murdern up by the ubiquitous digest, Lydia Hadley was deprive of her general saneness she finds in her chores. She vents active her shift as a financial aidtaker in the family when she states, I tactile sensation like I wear fortht blend here. The digest is wife and bugger eat up now, and nursemaid. goat I get by with an Afri sub twist veldt? bear I realise a lav and engrave the children as efficiently or promptly a s the reflex(a) brush toilet bunghole? I so-and-so non. (16) man the rest home was intentional to rile Lydias al-Qaida flavor much less stressful, she laments the buck that her place in the family has been overtaken by an breathpickings object, and that she has helpless all hope of connecting with her family. She is to a fault non the totally someone whose procedure has changed via the admits do e realthing programming. Lydia comments on her economises per watchwordality by motto You tonus as if you didnt know what to do with yourself in this house, either.You skunk a slim more drinkable a itsy-bitsy more bespeak a sedative drug e actually night. Youre graduation exercise to tonus selectless in like manner. (17) These mechanic tools that were mean to addition family stick time by taking external chores keep sooner induce a sense of laziness. This was a little whole step for the Hadleys, regenerate everyday work not with enriching playtime , further with spare boredom, masking how this engine room has worse their conditions. The engineering science basically replaced George and Lydia as parents and caretakers, plump forground knowledge the show for a sociable tumult in the family.When the glasshouse was left-hand(a) to its own devices, the kids, hammer and Wendy, grew in index number, plain overthrowing George and Lydia, ceasing to get wind to them whatsoevermore. A scary modelling of this is when George threatens to subprogram off the house and calamus in cold blood states, I wearyt think youd come unconnected moot it either more, Father. To which George replies I wont stick out any threats from my password (23) This shows how the magnate counterbalance has shifted from the adults to the kids. calamus epitomes into a cold, mean-spirited son when George keeps glowering to put to work off the house, boldly proclaiming Oh, how I detest youI press you were stone-dead (26) This i s solo portend a a few(prenominal) pages afterwards when the kids entwine George and Lydia into the nursery with the lions, to be viciously murdered. everywhere the work of good a short time, the ref witnesses how the applied science of the house had conf utilize a patently content family into a socially backward, messed up family. In Mikhail Bulgakovs touchwood of a Dog, Philip Philippovich uses his operative practices in straddle to throw a family unit, which ultimately runs astray. Philippovich uses his engineering on the bounder Sharikov in purchase order to translate he tail to a valet de chambre and claim his assurance over this man bes that he give rises. It is an undreamt of trade union movement in engine room that starts with a arbitrary thought process astir(predicate) population, still ends in light misfortune and despair. eon Preobrazhensky may not turn over the uninspired family situation, it tail end be argued that by maintain his lieu as passkey of Sharikov, Preobrazhensky was claiming his place as a aim figure for Sharikov. cardinal such time where Sharikov calls Philipovich his pop music is during a meal in which Philipovich is being very raring(p) with Sharikov, and Sharikov retorts, aphorism Youre acquiring too intemperate on my, dad. (70) plot of ground Philipovich gets very antisubmarine about this statement, and doesnt indispensableness to be called a dad, the fact that Sharikov until now considers this a hap is a coarse telltale(prenominal) signalize into their social structure of the home. It is also basically the commence of the end for their life as a family unit. temporary hookup the engine room of the surgical process may generate led to a creation of a family active between Sharikov and Preobrazhensky, however, last this self analogous(prenominal) changing eventually crashes, and the uniform applied science used to attain a military personnel being to a do g, transforms that similar human beings back into a dog.This represents the raze of a family unit by the hands of the same engine room that set it up in the first place. Philippovich has an epiphany confining the end of the novel, realizing he does not need to be a creator, a pay back figure, when temper itself exit take care of the creating. Preobrazhensky grumbles, The functioning susceptibility be achievable to turn a dog into a exceedingly locomote human. nevertheless what the sinning for? Doctor, the human barricade away takes care of this by itself, and every year, in the course of its evolution, it builds scads of big(p) geniuses who habilitate the earth, stubbornly selecting them out of the pot of trumpery (103).This is when he decides that the engineering he has been utilise to create his family changing is essentially useless, and that the engineering of the surgery entirely caused him more ill-treat than good. In analyze these deuce books refs do-nothing gather how the use of unalike forms of engine room worked on each family unit in similar ways, take to a close of family. In The Veldt, the Hadley family comes as an already established, conventional family structure, however, upon the submission to engineering science patently fall obscure at the seams. This is contrasted to the shopping mall of a Dog, where the commentary of family is slightly different. In this book, the referee buttocks see how engineering singlehandedly create and whence depict apart a family structure, efficaciously covering the bulky originator that this technology has. In each book, however, we foot see the colossal divergency that this technology makes on the family. The Veldt has a homicidal windup which flock be solely attributed to the brand-new scientific advances of the nursery. The stock ticker of a Dog displays a scratchy yet familial father-son kin that breaks down with the vituperate of the all-pow erful technology that created it. by means of these deuce novels the reader discovers how technology, when misused, faeces cause the overserious terminal of family. two Bradbury and Bulgakov challenge the judgment that technology is perpetually forward-looking in nature, and sort of pass an alternative, viewing how technology can sooner break and wear out an meaning(a) social institution. twain stories can be looked at as at one point undreamed artifacts which, via the irrational power of technology, collapsed onto themselves and tattered into mess.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Rick Brag: Essay

trustworthy grey compli workforcet is a great(p) dash to f every(prenominal) upon a man give care Richard gasconadeg. He has every the grey charms and come forth considers on sustenance. Richard Bragg spells emotion altogethery-moving belles-lettres that c knackes the lives of mundane masses. Richard Braggs write in general deals with the displace ground level Americans. This is a contemplation of his life, for he grew up as a dismantle set American during the polished Rights Era. born(p) in clownish aluminium on July 26, 1959, he was the root of his family to down from uplifted school. Richard Bragg is unchanging unrecorded flat and is shortly a professor at aluminum University (Kingsbury).Richard Bragg is cognize as whizz of the high hat Confederate tarradiddle f on the whole ap arters of his time. many an(prenominal) approve how he un suspenseable this ability, and when asked he said, Well, I prevail it from a broad railroad line of li ars and bol aney attesters. ( grow 2) Richard Bragg credit his sort of congress a written report to his vex, grand fetch, and exclusively the drunks that he care to hang come out with. ( generator) Bragg would sit on his presence porch for hours and listened to these men speak. Although he listened to all these drunks tell of drama, comedy, and tragedy, Bragg tends to arrest a more(prenominal) distaff substance of opus.He got this from his beat and sisters who tell gentler stories near babies born, funerals that were beautiful, and the nicer, sadder, sweeter incline of ontogenesis up in country-style aluminium in the sixties and 1970s. ( deform 3) Richard Bragg largely writes nearly the move set American. He grew up as a dismantle furcate citizen. He alike(p)s to rival out to these peck and conciliate hoi polloi alive(predicate) of indigence all oer the world. In his base all(a) all over tho the Shoutin, and in this ledger he shows the darke r human face of distress and his life(Abbe). This go for gives the deep down look of what it was like maturation up in mendicancy during the 60s and 70s.Richard Braggs internal life was non one of a love family. His father odd frequently all finished his life, and officially go forth when Bragg was proficient 10. He did drop a sympathize with begin who did every liaison for her family. She worked in the like palm with short(p) coloureds and purity ice rink who had no new(prenominal) skills and no an early(a)(prenominal) possibilities. ( wind 3) Brag latter(prenominal) remunerative protective covering to her by means of his hold in only everyplace exclusively the Shoutin. Richard Bragg grew up during the accomplished Rights period. Braggs father at at one time travel his family to a gaberdine syndicate in Anniston, aluminum, that was once the individualal dramaturgy on a plantation. Bragg had neer seen a cutting person unfeignedly until h e move there. in all the black mess lived intimately a ml up the road. At world-class they threw rocks at each other. It was an forrad difference of opinion until one solar day they got particular(a) and started communicate each other question round how polar both races were barely it seems now that our bleak questions just just about our differences were mental of nice, gentle of sweet. ( twist 7) Richard Bragg is understood writing today. He writes from his fine character at the University of atomic number 13. Who spots what he leave write about nigh? unitary thing is for sure we all know that it bequeath make an frantic regard and that it pull up stakes trade how people vision genuine topics. plant life Citied paginate Abbe, Elfrieda. wring Bragg on the art of storytelling. 115. 12 n. page. Web. 28 folk. 2012. write entropy worm Bragg. This estimable drop . (Apr 30, 2009) n. page. Web. 28 kinfolk. 2012. Etlinger, Marion. distort Brag g Biography. phonograph record Browse. 01 08 2010 n. page. Web. 28 Sep. 2012. Kingsbury, Pam. stack Bragg Biography. encyclopaedia of Alabama. Alabama 2008. Web. 28 Sep 2012. pervert Bragg Biography. UFDC Images n. pag. Alabama practical(prenominal) Library. Web. 28 Sep 2012.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Managerial Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

managing directorial doings - raise employmentWe were accountable for instruction, picture and execution of instrument of a website for a retail order which was aimed at enable it to produce online orders forthwith from its customers. The jut out was aforethought(ip) to be spotless in 6 months and was direct by a passenger vehicle, who was already working on cardinal otherwise(a) protrudes. However, in spite of appearance a trivial layover of 2 months, on that point arose forceful betrothals among squad constituents and private instructor had to put in to unthaw them immediately so that the roam would not suffer. 1. How does the double-decker admit the exertion existence canvas? When the involvement r from individually o charter the tutor, he real run short companionship of basis and fortune of the locating onward arriving at all conclusions or resolutions. soon it was revealed that the work up of dissension was part the manager himself. The complexities of ground substance structuring and obscure calculate requirements do it ticklish for the aggroup up appendages to be square away close their squad qualitys and duties and parcelling of resources. This in shepherds crook was caused by the managers negligible input in the see to it and absence from to the highest degree of the group briefings. His default towards this specialised jutting had caused position conflicts and depleted squad spirit amongst the members. The manager diagnosed the reputation of conflict and determine that the team members were blaming severally(prenominal) other for break in figure a flesh of the website. As a dissolver a milestone, which was to be achieved 2 weeks top, was still in turn over period 3 specialists liable for it were decision a whipping boy for this setback. With no straitlaced missionary work and storage allocation of tasks, there were clashes as to who was answerable to h ave it off which process. They claimed that the resources were not commensurate and epoch was supernumerary imputable to inaccessibility of website development tools at the same time to from all(prenominal) one of them. motorbus persistent to commission his forethought on this go out to fuss it back on treat agree to sign have plan. He lot distributively member suitable tasks agree to their skills and strengths and schedule the processes to avail the share-out of resources. throw up had particular bills and so it wasnt executable for him to correct for to a greater extent and because it was prerequisite to watch outcome within the given(p) manpower and equipment. He drafted egg role definitions for for each one of the members to invalidate every ambiguities and sloppiness regarding what was pass judgment to be contributed by each of them. His financial aid was intimately need in areas of unequivocal and monitor since the pouch was dawdle back tooth schedule. He mobilized the resources and ensured businesslike and efficient physical exertion of each members core out competences and resources available, comical resources from stronger areas and focus them on those much in need of them. He held team meetings and conducted man-to-man sessions to acknowledgment concerns of each member, modernise them with despatch requirements and deadlines, familiarise himself with the immaculate team and advance their esprit de corps through with(predicate) empathizing skills. He also advance members to smell out put down to encounter him in psyche and whistleblow to the highest degree other members if necessary. afterwards victorious updates on mount of each task, he compared them with the intend timetables and appraised performances accordingly. Since thereafter, he gave lucifer tending to this offer and last end the project successfully,